HC Deb 04 April 1977 vol 929 cc311-2W
Mr. Robert Taylor

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment for what purpose the Property Services Agency has entered into a lease of office buildings at Bank House/Sovereign House, Sheffield; and which accommodation at present leased will be vacated as a result.

Mr. Marks

The offices have been leased to house new regional offices of the Inland Revenue and the Health and Safety Executive. The staff will come from several existing buildings in Sheffield and elsewhere, some of which will be surrendered if not required for other use.

Mr. Robert Taylor

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what purpose the Property Services Agency has entered into a lease of office buildings at Andover Road, Winchester; and which accommodation at present leased will be vacated as a result.

Mr. Marks

The Property Services Agency has leased office buildings in construction at Andover Road, Winchester to rehouse a Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food divisional office and two Inland Revenue tax offices. The present accommodation at Government Buildings, Christchurch Road will be sold to provide land for housing. The leases at Black Swan Buildings, Southgate Street and 13 Southgate Street will be surrendered.