HC Deb 28 October 1976 vol 918 cc334-6W
Mr. Craig

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if, having regard to the housing conditions in east Belfast, he will take steps to expedite the redevelopment of Area 23.

Mr. Carter

A vesting order for Area 23 came into effect on 23rd September 1976. The timing and phasing of redevelopment is currently under discussion, but the Housing Executive has been asked to give priority to improving the living conditions of the families left in the area.

Mr. Wm. Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what was the total number of houses and/or housing units in Londonderry city in 1970 and in Londonderry rural district at the same time; and what is the total at present.

Mr. Carter

Owing to the reorganisation of local authority boundaries in 1973 it is not possible to provide information in the form requested. However, the 1971 Census of Population records that

October 1970 June 1970 October 1976 June 1975
Persons registered as unemployed in the area served by the Londonderry Employment Service Office. 3,164 5,178
Employed 25,589 27,888
Self-Employed* 2,197
* Estimates of the number self-employed are no longer available except from the census of population gures. The most recent census was in 1971.

Mr. Michael McNair-Wilson

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what proposals he has for reducing unemployment in the Province and for regenerating the Northern Ireland economy.

Mr. Concannon

There are already in existence several schemes to alleviate unemployment in Northern Ireland. I shall shortly be making an announcement about the application in Northern Ireland of the further measures to reduce unemployment among young people, announced by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Employment on 23rd September.

Within the framework of the Government's overall economic strategy for the United Kinugdom. I am considering ways of bringing about a sustained improvement in Northern Ireland's economic performance. In doing so, I shall bear in mind proposals made in the report of the Review Team on Economic and Indus-

there were 12,049 dwellings in the then Londonderry County Borough Council area and 31,880 dwellings in the Londonderry County Council area. It is estimated that at present there are approximately 22,000 dwellings in the Londonderry District Council area of which 12,000 are in urban areas and 10,000 in rural areas.

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