HC Deb 29 November 1976 vol 921 cc26-7W
Mr. Brotherton

asked the Lord President of the Council what have been the activities, to date, of the Counter-Inflation Publicity Unit.

Mr. William Price

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given by the Prime Minister on 18th November to my hon. Friend the Member for Kingswood (Mr. Walker) on the standing down, for the time being, of the Counter-Inflation Publicity Unit—[Vol.919, c. 668–9].— The unit, which was set up in July 1975, launched the first phase of its publicity campaign on 20th August 1975 when the main features of the £6 pay policy were explained in an advertisement in the national Press, followed by a house-to-house distribution of about 21½ million copies of a simplified version of the White Paper "The Attack on Inflation" (Cmnd 6151). The second phase lasted from the end of October to the beginning of December 1975, and consisted of advertisements in national newspapers and a wide range of provincial newspapers. In these advertisements leading industrialists and trade union leaders give their reasons for supporting the fight against inflation. The third phase was in February and March 1976 and consisted of the price check campaign. Press and TV advertisements were used and display material sent to retail outlets.

Research was undertaken in regard to the various facets of these phases of the campaign. No paid publicity in advertising or pamphlets has been used in regard to stage 2 of the pay policy. Research has, however, been undertaken and the unit has acted in an advisory rôle.

Mr. Brotherton

asked the Lord President of the Council how many paid officials are engaged on the activities of the Counter-Inflation Publicity Unit.

Mr. William Price

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given by the Prime Minister on 18th November to my hon. Friend the Member for Kingswood (Mr. Walker) on the standing down, for the time being, of the Counter-Inflation Publicity Unit—[Vol. 919, c. 668–9]. Prior to the standing down of the unit five paid officials were engaged on its activities.