HC Deb 22 November 1976 vol 919 cc978-9W
Mr. Steen

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many patients have received psychosurgery treatment under the National Health Service as a result of their mental condition; and how many of the patients have returned to live a normal life.

Mr. Moyle

I cannot at present add to my right hon. Friend's reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Woolwich, East (Mr. Cartwright) on 13th May.—[Vol. 911, c.239.]

Mr. Gould

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many psychosurgery operations have been performed in Broadmoor or special hospitals over the past five years.

Mr. Moyle

No psychosurgical operations have been performed in any of the Special Hospitals themselves in the past five years but during that period seven operations, which I am advised could fall into the psychosurgical category, have been carried out in other hospitals on six patients from the Special Hospitals.

Mr. Gould

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether he will set up a departmental inquiry into the use of psychosurgery as a technique for treating mental patients.

Mr. Moyle

In 1969 the Minister of Health published a Report on Leucotomy hi England and Wales 1942–54 (reports on Public Health and Medical Subjects, No. 104). The information in this survey has been to a large extent superseded by advances since 1954 in knowledge both of hazards of psychosurgery, and techniques which minimize the hazards, and of its benefits and the type of case in which benefits are greatest. I do not think, however, that a Departmental inquiry is called for at the moment, as most of these advances are clearly documented in published work. I am sending my hon. Friend copies of two relevant articles.

Proposed apportionment
Estimated cost AHA LA
Project £'000 Per cent. Per cent.
Home for the mentally handicapped, Banbury 250 100
Home for the mentally handicapped, Basildon 320 60 40
Home for the mentally handicapped, Bexley 150 85 15
Home for the mentally handicapped, Brighton 210 51 49
Home for the mentally handicapped, Durrington 210 60 40
Home for the mentally handicapped, Homewood 150 80 20
Home for the mentally handicapped, Leeds 140 60 40
Home for the mentally handicapped, Lambeth 90 100
Home for the mentally handicapped, Manchester 255 60 40
Home for the mentally handicapped, Newham 370 60 40
Home for the mentally handicapped, Walsall 260 100
Home for the mentally handicapped, Worcester 100 60 40
Adult Training Centre, Brighton 180 51 49
Adult Training Centre, Chorley 100 100
Adult Training Centre, Eastwood 280 60 40
Adult Training Centre, Rochdale 170 20 80
Special Care Unit for the mentally handicapped, Biggleswade 20 52 48
Special Care Unit for the mentally handicapped, Bramlingham 20 52 48
Special Care Unit for the mentally handicapped, Brighton 30 51 49
Special Care Unit for the mentally handicapped, Leek 70 100
Home for the mentally ill, Dunstable 130 52 48
Home for the mentally ill, Hereford 70 60 40
Home for the mentally ill, Shrewsbury 120 50 50
Home for the mentally ill, Southwark 40 50 50
Day centre for the mentally ill, Leeds 140 60 40
Home for the elderly and centre for the physically handicapped, Fleetwood 380 100
Home for the elderly, Leeds 60 60 40
Home for the elderly, Selsey 270 35 65
Lifts in homes for the elderly, Derbyshire 110 100
Day centre for the elderly, Halifax 50 60 40
Day centre for the elderly, Leeds 20 60 40
Day centre for the elderly, Wigan 40 100
Meals on wheels kitchen, Woking 50 60 40
Support for sheltered housing scheme, Kidderminster 90 10 90