HC Deb 22 November 1976 vol 919 cc815-7W
Mr. Arthur Lewis

asked the Lord President of the Council why the delegates to the NATO conference in the USA travelled first class in Concorde; who went on this visit and at what cost; whether he will give details of the last three conferences held; and whether first-class travel was used and at what cost.

Mr. Foot

The delegates, like an increasing number of other travellers, flew in Concorde on their outward journey because of its greater speed and convenience. This enabled them to travel a day later than would otherwise have been possible.

The delegation comprised:

  • The hon. Members for
  • Belper (Mr. MacFarquhar)
  • Beckenham (Mr. Goodhart)
  • Woolwich, East (Mr. Cartwright)
  • Haltemprice (Mr. Wall)
  • Hammersmith, North (Mr. Tomney)
  • Hornchurch (Mr. Williams)
  • Kettering (Sir G. de Freitas)
  • Ilkeslon (Mr. Fletcher)
  • Montgomery (Mr. Hooson)
  • St. Albans (Mr. Goodhew)
  • Weston-super-Mare (Mr. Wiggin)
  • Winchester (Rear-Admiral Morgan-Giles)
  • Baroness Bacon
  • Lord Raglan
  • Lord Wynne-Jones
  • Lord Lyell
  • Viscount Simon

Total costs, including travel, are likely to be in the region of £17,000.

The 1973 Session was held in Turkey. Ten Members and five peers attended; they travelled economy class, and travel costs totalled £1,768.30. The 1974 Session was held in London, and travel costs totalling £176.59 were paid. Eleven Members and five peers attended the 1975 Session in Copenhagen; they travelled economy class at a total travel cost of £1,538.24. First-class travel is normally allowed only for intercontinental flights.

Mr. Steen

asked the Lord President of the Council if he will provide Members with 8½p stamps, in view of the fact that only 150 4¼ in. by 8⅝ in. pre-paid envelopes were supplied to 3 Deans Yard out of an order for 6,000 placed on 12th November, and that no envelopes of that size have been available for the past 14 days.

Mr. Foot

We are experiencing difficulties in obtaining supplies of this size of envelope for all Members. The Serjeant at Arms will try to ensure that the supplies available are allocated fairly between Members during the present difficulties. Adequate supplies of 41½ in. by 6½ in. envelopes are available.

Mr. Steen

asked the Lord President of of the Council if he will make a statement as to the effects of the dispute at the HMSO warehouse on the supply of stationery to the House.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

I have been asked to reply.

I do not expect the supply of stationery to the House to be affected by the dispute.