HC Deb 18 November 1976 vol 919 cc709-12W
Mr. Hatton

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how much money has been made available for the purpose of Job Creation Programme schemes to Scotland, Wales and each of the English Regions in the last 12 months; and how many jobs have been provided.

ployment figures for the regions of Great Britain showing Great Britain as 100.

Mr. Golding

Following is the information at October 1976:

Mr. Golding

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that the information is as follows:

Area Allocation (£ million) Number of jobs approved up to 5th November 1976
Scotland 21.0 13,700
Wales 9.5 5,200
London and South-East 5.0 2,500
Northern 14.0 8,100
South West 4.5 3,200
Yorkshire and Humberside 6.0 3,400
Midlands 4.5 3,300
North West 20.0 9,300

Mr. Luce

asked the Secretary of State for Employment where job creation projects are funded on the prospect of long-term viability, what practical steps are taken to assist in the project's success.

Mr. Golding

I understand that where appropriate the Manpower Services Commission arranges for specialist advice to be given to groups setting up projects which aim to become self-financing. In addition, general advice and information is provided by Commission staff in the course of visits to projects after they have started.

Mr. Luce

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many job creation projects have been funded on the basis that they aim for long-term viability; and how many of these projects are now expected to achieve long-term viability once the funds are used up.

Mr. Golding

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that eight projects have so far been approved which aim to continue after Job Creation Programme support ceases, using self-generated revenue to meet all or most of the operating costs. It is too early to say how many will achieve this aim.

Mr. Wigley

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will publish

Area Number of projects approved Number of manweeks work created Grant (£ million)
Wales 587 176,000 7.9
Scotland 1,303 395,000 17.9
London and South East 214 79,000 3.3
North West 795 338,000 15.3
Northern 909 274,000 11.5
South West 364 67,000 3.0
Yorkshire and Humberside 402 115,000 5.1
Midlands 301 85,000 3.5

Mr. Miscampbell

asked the Secretary of State for Employment when he expects a further allocation of job creation funds to be made to the North-West.

Mr. Golding

The future of the Job Creation Programme during the coming year is currently being considered.

Mr. Steen

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will reduce by at least one-third the present rates of pay under the Job Creation Programme for unskilled work by 18-year-olds from the present level of £43.75 a week to the current rate for the job on the open market in the private sector of between £28 and £30 per week.

Mr. Golding


Mr. Steen

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will bring the Job Creation Programme rates of pay for unskilled work into line with regional differentials so that 18 year-olds in different parts of the country do not automatically earn a maximum of £43.75.

Mr. Golding


Mr. Steen

asked the Secretary of State for Employment if he will reduce the wage levels for 18 year-olds employed under the Job Creation Programme, in view of the fact that the work they are undertaking would never normally be done and in view of the local authority rates of pay. a table showing for the most recent available date the number of job creation schemes approved in Wales, Scotland and the regions of England together with the number of man-weeks work involved and the cost of these schemes.

Mr. Golding

I am informed by the Manpower Services Commission that the information up to 12th November is as follows:

Mr. Golding


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