HC Deb 04 November 1976 vol 918 cc705-9W
Mr. David Howell

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will publish for the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, France and Italy, for each quarter since the first quarter of 1973, indices of (a) the consumer prices index (b) domestic wholesale prices of manufactured goods (c) export prices or unit values in domestic currency terms for manufactures and (d) export prices or unit values in dollar terms for manufactures, and for the same period, a $ index of the prices of world exports of manufactures.

1970 = 100
Table (a)
United Kingdom German Federal Republic Japan France Italy
First quarter 122.2 116.0 116.9 115.9 117.5
Second quarter 125.2 118.2 122.7 118.2 121.3
Third quarter 127.7 119.3 126.5 121.1 123.6
Fourth quarter 131.8 121.7 131.9 124.4 127.2
First quarter 137.2 124.6 144.1 129.0 133.6
Second quarter 145.3 126.6 150.5 134.3 140.8
Third quarter 149.4 127.8 1561 138.7 150.4
Fourth quarter 156.1 129.5 162.7 143.1 160.0
First quarter 165.6 132.0 165.3 147.0 164.9
Second quarter 180.7 134.5 171.0 150.6 169.3
Third quarter 188.7 135.5 172.7 153.9 172.9
Fourth quarter 195.2 136.7 176.7 157.3 178.1
First quarter 200.9 139.0 180.4 161.1 184.8
Second quarter 208.0 141.1 186.6 164.8 196.5

Source: OECD 1. Main Economic Indicators.

Table (b)
United Kingdom* German Federal Republic† Japan‡ France§ Italy§
First quarter 119.5 111.1 106.7 115.0 112.5
Second quarter 120.1 113.1 110.6 118.8 118.4
Third quarter 124.2 115.1 115.9 124.1 126.4
Fourth quarter 129.1 117.2 126.0 132.1 134.0
First quarter 138.3 124.5 143.1 149.9 159.4
Second quarter 148.9 128.8 146.6 162.9 176.3
Third quarter 156.1 131.3 149.2 161.9 187.5
Fourth quarter 164.9 133.0 150.3 158.3 192.1
First quarter 176.0 134.6 149.4 153.1 192.3
Second quarter 186.3 135.4 149.1 147.8 191.4
Third quarter 193.4 135.7 149.5 148.2 192.9
Fourth quarter 199.1 136.1 150.6 147.7 197.1

Mr. Meacher

The information is as follows. The series for wholesale prices of manufactures shown at Table (b) are those that correspond most closely to this definition. A dollar index approximating to the prices of world exports of manufactures is shown a Table (d). Developed Market Economies, to which this index refers, is composed of South Africa. Canada, the United States of America, Israel, Japan, Western Europe—including Yugoslavia but excluding Turkey—Australia and New Zealand. In 1970, the manufactured goods exports of these countries accounted for 83.6 per cent, of the world total.

United Kingdom* German Federal Republic† Japan‡ France§ italy§
First quarter 206.9 138.3 153.2 151.2 209.3
Second quarter 214.4 140.5 155.9 .. ..
Third quarter 223.1 .. .. .. ..
* Department of Industry—Output of manufactured products.
† IMF International Financial Statistics—Industrial.
‡ UN Monthly Bulletin of Statistics—Industrial products.
§ Statistical Office of European Communities—Industrial products.

Unit Values of Exports of Manufactures
In National Currency
Table (c)
United Kingdom German Federal Republic Japan France Italy
First quarter 118 103 100 110 110
Second quarter 122 105 100 112 115
Third quarter 127 106 108 115 120
Fourth quarter 133 109 118 121 125
First quarter 142 114 134 125 137
Second quarter 153 120 142 139 151
Third quarter 162 125 152 147 171
Fourth quarter 170 126 159 151 181
First quarter 179 130 157 152 188
Second quarter 188 130 152 153 184
Third quarter 197 132 148 151 190
Fourth quarter 205 131 143 154 193
First quarter 214 132 140
Second quarter 229
Third quarter 242

In US $ Terms
Table (d)
United Kingdom German Federal Republic Japan France Italy Developed Market Economies
First quarter 119 124 125 126 119 120
Second quarter 129 141 136 141 121 129
Third quarter 131 162 147 153 131 140
Fourth quarter 131 157 154 152 133 142
First quarter 135 154 165 141 133 145
Second quarter 153 175 183 158 148 161
Third quarter 159 175 185 170 163 167
Fourth quarter 165 183 190 181 171 175
First quarter 178 203 192 196 184 187
Second quarter 182 203 188 208 183 188
Third quarter 174 189 179 193 179 178
Fourth quarter 174 185 169 193 177 176
First quarter 178 187 167 178*
Second quarter 172 180*
Third quarter 178
Source: United Nations Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, United Kingdom Department of Industry.
* United Nations Estimate.

Mr. David Howell

asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will publish for each quarter since the first quarter of 1973 (a) indices of the £ sterling and dollar prices or unit values of United Kingdom exports for each of SITC 5, 6, 7 and 8, and (b) an index of world export values for the same commodity groups in $ terms.

US$ £ US$ £ US$ £ US$ £
SITC Section 5 6 7 8
1st quarter 110 109 114 113 125 124 115 114
2nd quarter 118 112 127 121 134 128 121 114
3rd quarter 118 115 132 128 135 131 125 121
4th quarter 126 125 134 135 134 135 122 123
1st quarter 135 143 138 145 136 143 120 126
2nd quarter 168 168 160 160 149 149 132 132
3rd quarter 175 179 166 170 155 158 137 140
4th quarter 186 191 170 175 163 168 141 146
1st quarter 199 200 179 180 178 179 153 153
2nd quarter 203 209 179 184 184 190 158 163
3rd quarter 185 209 169 191 179 201 157 177
4th quarter 180 211 169 198 181 213 155 182
1st quarter 183 219 170 204 187 224 156 187
2nd quarter 174 232 163 217 182 242 149 198
3rd quarter 181 245 170 231 187 254 157 213

Source: Department of Trade.

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