§ Mr. Skeetasked the Secretary of State for Energy whether he is considering extending the United Kingdom natural gas grid pipeline system across the Channel to France.
§ Dr. J. Dickson MabonNo. The natural gas transmission system is the responsibility of the British Gas Corporation.
§ Mr. Skeetasked the Secretary of State for Energy what system of law or code of practice would be applicable to the United Kingdom gas grid if a connection of the system were made with that of any one of the EEC countries.
§ Dr. J. Dickson MabonGas pipelines in Great Britain are subject to United Kingdom law, and are constructed and operated in accordance with standards and codes of practice of the British gas industry. Those on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf are also subject to United Kingdom law, but constructed to codes of practice applicable to submarine pipelines. Pipelines in other EEC countries are subject to their own laws or codes of practice.
There are no requirements or codes of practice common to the United Kingdom and other EEC countries covering gas pipelines. If there were to be a link with the Continent these and other related questions would need careful consideration.
§ Mr. Skeetasked the Secretary of State for Energy whether he will consider offering transit facilities by way of the United Kingdom natural gas grid for the movement of gas from Norwegian sources to France.
§ Dr. J. Dickson MabonNeither the Norwegian authorities nor the Norwegian licensees have requested such facilities, nor can we offer them, since the British natural gas grid is owned by the British Gas Corporation.