HC Deb 28 May 1976 vol 912 cc440-2W
Mr. Biggs-Davison

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether he will make a statement about the Eastern Regional Council for Sport and Recreation; and on what grounds he disagreed with the Eastern Sports Council's wish that the new council's officers should be elected, or recommended, by the council.

Mr. Denis Howell

In the course of consultations a variety of views were expressed about the way the chairmen, vice-chairmen and officers of the new councils should be appointed, which I carefully considered. In the event, how ever, I found a wide measure of acceptance for the arrangements which I sub sequently announced in my statement of 14th April.—[Vol. 909, c.565–7.]

Mr. Macfarlane

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what are the anticipated deficits of the national sporting centres for 1976; and what advice he has given to the Sports Council.

Mr. Denis Howell

The net deficits of the Sports Council's national centres in 1975–76 amounted to some £0.9 million. The figure for 1976–77 is estimated to be of the order of £1.14 million. The Sports Council reviews the charges at the national centres at regular intervals and I have issued no specific guidance on the matter.

Mr. Macfarlane

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will list each working party set up to examine any aspects of sport or recreation; who are the members of the working parties; and when they reported back to the Minister responsible for sport and recreation.

Mr. Denis Howell

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave him on 5th March—[Vol. 906, c. 744–5]—about the membership of the working party on centres of excellence. The only other working party which I chair is that concerned with football crowd behaviour, of which the members are:

  • Mr. A. Hardaker, Secretary, Football League.
  • Mr. E. Croker, Secretary, Football Association.
  • Mr. W. Allan, Secretary, Scottish Football Association.
  • Mr. T. Morris, Secretary, Welsh Football Association.
  • Mr. E. Plumley, Secretary, Coventry City FC.
  • Mr. R. Greenwood, General Manager, West Ham United FC.
  • Mr. W. Winterbottom, Director, Sports Council.

Both working parties are concerned with keeping their respective subjects under review. The former working Party produced a comprehensive series of recommendations to football clubs competing in both domestic and European competitions last July. The latter has completed its initial assessment of the problems and the scope for developing rights of excellence for talented sports people and is now consulting a wide range of sporting organisations.

Mr. Andrew F. Bennett

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment how much money is being spent on promoting Sport for All Day, 12th September 1976, and Sport for All Week in September 1976; and how much is being spent on promoting these events in the North-West of England.

Mr. Denis Howell

I am informed that the Sports Council has allocated £18,000 for the promotion of a Sport for All Week on a national and regional basis and in the national sports centres. Of this sum, £1,000 will he made available to each region towards the cost of events held within its area. Discussions on the proportion of this amount which is to be spent on events held on Sport for All Day, 12th September 1976 will be taken regionally.