HC Deb 19 May 1976 vol 911 c589W
Mr. Goodhart

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if an interdepartmental committee is considering the problems of judgment enforcement; whether it has produced any report; and when the report will be published.

Mr. Merlyn Rees,

pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 17th May 1976; Vol. 911, c. 376], gave the following information:

A committee of my officials has been reviewing the judgment enforcement procedures embodied in the Judgments (Enforcements) Act (Northern Ireland) 1969 and the Payments of Debt (Emergency Provisions) Act (Northern Ireland) 1971. They have not yet completed their work, but if, when I have considered their report to me, I have any changes to propose these will be fully discussed with interested parties in Northern Ireland and any changes of importance will he brought to the attention of Parliament.