HC Deb 25 March 1976 vol 908 c259W
Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs by which words in paragraph 130 of Command Paper No. 6003 Her Majesty's Government consider themselves either committed or uncommitted to European Union, as commonly understood in the institutions of the EEC.

Mr. Hattersley

The paragraph makes clear that the Government while welcoming closer co-operation in the Community, is not committed to any particular concept of European Union. It was the absence of any common understanding in the Community as to the meaning of European Union that led to the invitation to M. Tindemans to report on the subject.

Mr. Spearing

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs by what date Her Majesty's Government will have reached a definitive

6th November 1972 22nd March 1976
Number Salary Number Salary
£ £
Head of the Home Civil Service 1 16,750 1 20,175
Secretary to the Cabinet 1 16,750 1 20,175
Permanent Secretary to the Treasury 1 16,750 1 20,175
Head of the Diplomatic Service 1 16,750 1 20,175
Other Permanent Secretaries (excluding Second Permanent Secretaries) 21 15,750 25 18,675

I regret that the information requested in the third part of the question is not available centrally.

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