HC Deb 22 March 1976 vol 908 cc49-50W
Mr. Henderson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) if he intends to take account of the views of the Harbour Master and Harbour Trustees at Peterhead on weather and other conditions in deciding on the planning application by Shell Expro for a natural gas liquids plant;

(2) if, in deciding on the planning application by Shell Expro at Peterhead, he will give priority to the need for free and unimpeded passage of fishing vessels to the harbour at all times.

Mr. William Ross

In deciding the planning application made by Shell UK Limited for a natural gas liquids plant at Peterhead I shall of course take into account all relevant factors and views which are brought to my notice in accordance with the statutory procedures.

Mr. Henderson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland (1) if he has any plans to amalgamate the two harbours at Peterhead;

(2) if his Department has held any discussions with the interested parties on the possibility of merging the two harbour authorities at Peterhead;

(3) what representations he has recently received regarding the relationship between Peterhead Harbour Trustees and

Peterhead Bay Management Company Limited.

Mr. William Ross

In announcing my decision on the Scanitro planning application I said that I intend to consult interested parties about the reporter's recommendation that steps should be taken to institute a single harbour authority at Peterhead.

These consultations will take place soon; but no discussions have yet started, nor have I received any representations. Once I have the views of interested parties, who will include the Peterhead Harbour Trustees and the Peterhead Bay (Management) Co. Ltd., I shall be in a better position to consider the reporter's recommendation.

Mr. Henderson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is satisfied with the liaison between Peterhead Harbour Trustees and Peterhead Bay Management Company Limited.

Mr. William Ross
