HC Deb 08 March 1976 vol 907 cc32-6W
Mr. Nicholas Edwards

asked the Minister for the Civil Service if he will compare the total remuneration, including and distinguishing between annual increment and increased London allowance as well as increases in the national basic pay rate, in July 1974 and July 1975 of civil servants with three years' seniority in each of the following grades: Under-Secretary, principal executive officer, clerical officer, senior scientific officer, professional and technology officer grade I, telecomunications technical officer grade I, and personal secretary; and if he will also show the total percentage increase in gross earnings and allowances obtained in each case.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

The information requested is given in the table below. The Principal Executive Officer grade disappeared with effect from 1st January 1971 following the Administrative, Executive and Clerical Classes merger in to a single Administration Group in the post-Fulton restructuring. It is assumed that the hon. Member may have had in mind the grade of Principal which is, therefore, included in the table.

1st July 1974 1st July 1975
Grade Basic Pay plus £104 cost of living supplements Col. (a) Inner London Weighting Col. (b) Total Remuneration Cols. (a)+(b) Col. (c) Basic Pay increase since 1st July 1974 subsuming cost of living supplements since 1st July 1974 Col. (d) Increment since 1st July 1974 Col. (e) Inner London Weighting increase since 1st July 1974 Col. (f) Total Remuneration (Cols. (c)+(d)+ (e)+(f) Col. (g) Total Remuneration percentage increase July 1974 to July 1975 Col. (h)
£ p.a. £ p.a. £ p.a. £ p.a. £ p.a. £ p.a. £ p.a.
Undersecretary 9,104 410 9,514 2,896 55 12,465 31.02
Principal 4,919 410 5,329 1,456 250 55 7,090 33.05
Clerical Officer (Main Scale) 1,761 410 2,171 424 85 55 2,735 25.98
Personal Secretary 1,861 410 2,271 484 105 55 2,915 28.36
Senior Scientific Officer 3,726 410 4,136 1,017 185 55 5,393 30.39
Professional and Technology Officer Grade I 4,141 410 4,551 1,089 170 55 5,865 28.87
Telecommunications Technical Officer Grade I 3,719 410 4,129 1,006 175 55 5,365 29.93

Mr. Nicholas Edwards

asked the Minister for the Civil Service if he will publish a table showing, for each of the main Civil Service grades included in his reply to the hon. Member for Cornwall, North (Mr. Pardoe) on 19th May 1975 [Official Report, c. 217–18], the average wage/salary indices for each year from 1st January 1956 to 1st January 1976; and if he will compare these indices with those for retail prices, average manual earnings and average earnings (1955=100 in each case).

Mr. Charles R. Morris

Information on average salary-wage indices for Civil Service grades over the period is not available and could only be obtained at disproportionate cost. Furthermore, the degree of reorganisation and restructuring which has taken place in the non-industrial Civil Service following the report of the Committee, which was appointed in 1966 under the chairmanship of Lord Fulton to examine the structure, recruitment

Staff in Post at 1st March 1974 Staff in Post at 1st January 1976
Department Non-Industrials industrials Total Non-Industrials Industrials Total
Cabinet Office 599 599 685 685
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (1) 14,328 1,133 15,461 14,914 1,225 16,139
H.M. Treasury 997 997 1,144 1,144
H.M. Customs and Excise 24,932 24,932 29,285 29,285
Inland Revenue 69,659 33 69,692 79,053 28 79,081
Department for National Savings 13,435 132 13,567 13,548 97 13,645
Department of Education and Science (2) 3,858 83 3,941 4,037 105 4,142
Department of Employment (3) 32,080 1,577 33,657 43,683 1,858 45,541
Department of Energy 1,364 82 1,446 1,362 12 1,374
Department of the Environment (4) 42,034 27,480 69,514 46,220 26,843 73,063
Ordnance Survey 4,151 371 4,522 4,076 374 4,450
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 9,967 250 10,217 10,014 234 10,248
Ministry of Overseas Development 2,123 48 2,171 2,295 55 2,350
Home Office 24,858 3,652 28,510 28,704 3,824 32,528
Lord Chancellor's Office and Courts etc 9,428 9,428 9,951 9,951
Land Registry 4,838 5 4,843 4,868 6 4,874
Civil Service Department 3,492 1,601 5,093 3,888 1,592 5,480
Central Office of Information 1,188 63 1,251 1,304 66 1,370
H.M. Stationery Office 3,142 4,037 7,179 3,319 4,047 7,366
Scottish Office 9,052 755 9,807 9,942 728 10,670
Scottish Courts Administration etc. 731 4 735 730 4 734
Department of Health and Social Security 82,331 209 82,540 91,323 240 91,563
Office of Population Censuses and Surveys 2,706 18 2,724 2,712 24 2,736
Department of Trade (5) 16,550 805 17,355 7,683 47 7,730
Department of Industry (5) 9,397 783 10,180
Department of Prices and Consumer Protection (5) 378 378

and management of the Home Civil Service means that no meaningful comparison would be possible of Civil Service pay movements with the external indicators specified on a grade basis for most grades between 1956 and the present time.