HC Deb 28 June 1976 vol 914 cc29-31W
Mr. Stephen Ross

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment (1) if, in view of his current strictures on local

I am responsible are listed below. Similar information in respect of the large number of part-time appointments for which I am also responsible could be obtained only at disproportionate cost to public funds.

government expenditure, he will accept the ability of parish councils to mobilise volunteer—and hence, free—community effort, whereas district councils cannot, and so incur expenditure; and if, as a consequence of this recognition, he will speed up the process of making orders constituting parish councils;

(2) if, in answer to a Question from the hon. Member for Isle of Wight on Tuesday 16th March 1976, Volume 907, c. 466–7, he stated that "no district council has submitted a recommendation for a new parish to the Commission" he was aware that the Local Government Boundary Commission had advised at least one district authority that "No useful purpose would be served by the submission of a proposal at the present time since it is not known how or when the proposals would be dealt with".

Mr. John Silkin

I was not aware of the precise terms in which the Boundary Commission has replied to inquiries addressed to it on the timetable for parish proposals, but I am grateful to the hon. Member for drawing my attention to the words that he quoted, which underline what I said in my reply of 16th March—[Vol. 907, c. 466–7.]—that the commission is at present concentrating on the review of district and county electoral areas to which it is required to give priority by the Local Government Act 1972. It is desirable for parishes to be reviewed as soon as is practicable and, as I have already indicated, I intend to issue guidelines later this year to assist district coun-

Numbers granted Cost Numbers granted Cost Numbers granted in the financial year Cost
Date (thousand) million) {thousand) million) (thousand) million)
March 1967 896 13
March 1968 360 12 786 12
March 1969 350 14 792 13
March 1970 350 15 808 14
March 1971 350 18 795 15
March 1972 270 17 806 18
May 1973* 1,580 77† 130 13† 905† 23†
April 1974 1,800 177‡ 320 25‡ 910‡ 28‡
January 1975 1,780 202 340 35 2,200 85
January 1976 1,900 233 430 48 Not available
* In 1972–73, mandatory national rent rebate and allowance schemes were introduced. From 1972–73 onwards, figures also include rent rebates and rent allowances granted to tenants receiving supplementary benefit.
† 1972–73.
‡ 1973–74.