HC Deb 28 June 1976 vol 914 c16W
Mr. MacFarquhar

asked the Secretary of State for Trade (1) how many delegations his Department has received since March 1974 at ministerial level asking for selective import controls to be imposed on foreign goods;

(2) how many delegations his Department has received since March 1974 at ministerial level asking for selective import controls to be imposed on Japanese goods alone; and for which goods.

Mr. Meacher

Both Ministers and officials are in close touch with a number of industries about imports which are causing them problems in the home market. So far as Japan is concerned, the industries include motor cars, consumer electronic products and ball bearings. I regret that it is not possible, without disproportionate effort, to extract from the details of those meetings the number that could be said to have been with formal delegations asking for selective import controls.

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