HC Deb 15 June 1976 vol 913 cc135-9W
Mr. Ronald Atkins

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what are his estimates of the numbers of citizens of the United King-don and Colonies settled abroad who have dual nationality; and if he will give an analysis of where these citizens are resident.

Mr. Luard

No estimates are available of how many citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies settled in overseas countries possess a second nationality. There is no practicable way of making such estimates, because entitlement to the citizenship of any other country depends on the operation of the laws of that country in each individual case.

Mr. Ronald Atkins

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what is his estimate of the number of citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies who are settled in the Colonies and former colonies; and if he will give an analysis of where they are resident.

Mr. Luard

Numbers of citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies resident in former colonies are, where available included in the answer to my hon. Friend's Question about United Kingdom citizens abroad.

The total population figures for the present Colonies are as follows:

Burmuda 60,000
Belize 130,000
British Virgin Islands 10,000
Cayman Islands 13,500
Falkland Islands and Dependencies 2,000
Gibraltar 30,000
Gilbert Islands 53,000
Hong Kong 4,345,000
Montserrat 13,000
Pitcairn Islands Group 61
St. Helena and Dependencies 6,500
Turks and Caicos 6,000
Tuvalu 7,000
Seychelles 47,000

With the exception of Hong Kong, where there are approximately 2½ million aliens, mostly Chinese, the great proportion of people living in the colonies are citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies.

Mr. Ronald Atkins

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what are his estimates of the number of citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies who are settled abroad and hold only British citizenship; and if he will give an analysis of where these British citizens are resident.

Mr. Luard

Latest estimates of the number of citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies resident abroad are given in the table below. The estimates are derived from information provided by overseas diplomatic posts. Precise figures are not available since United Kingdom nationals resident overseas are not bound to register with our diplomatic posts. No figures are available for Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa or the United States of America. It is not possible to estimate how many citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies abroad hold no other citizenship, nor is it possible to differentiate between those who are resident, perhaps temporarily, and those who may be permanently settled in the country concerned.

Afghanistan 217
Algeria 1,346
Angola 7
Argentina 17,500
Austria 3,457
Bahamas 4,395
Bahrain 5,650
Bangladesh 545
Barbados 2,600
Belgium 25,000
Benin 35
Bolivia 248
Botswana 1,449
Brazil 9,918
Brunei 2,050
Bulgaria 156
Burma 329
Burundi 50
Cameroon 358
Central African Republic 17
Chad 42
Chile 3,088
China 97
Colombia 831
Congo (Brazzaville) 25
Costa Rica 275
Cuba 252
Cyprus 18,334
Czechoslovakia 161
Denmark 4,680
Dominican Republic 1,184
Ecuador 260
Egypt 804
El Salvador 220
Ethiopia 888
Fiji 800
Finland 554
France 30,000
Gabon 60
Gambia 252
Germany (Federal Republic) excluding Service Personnel 60,300
Germany (Democratic Republic) 121
Ghana 3,650
Greece 8,224
Guatemala 959
Guinea 40
Guyana 575
Haiti 75
Honduras 188
Hungary 176
Iceland 135
India 6,482
Indonesia 1,439
Iran 2,990
Iraq 1,021
Irish Republic 110,000
Israel 4,587
Italy 22,500
Ivory Coast 251
Jamaica 4,181
Japan 1,817
Jordon 559
Kenya 39,000
Korea 478
Kuwait 2,814
Laos 166
Lebanon 1,000
Lesotho 523
Liberia 472
Libya 1,571
Luxembourg 815
Madagascar 92
Malawi 11,000
Malaysia 114,053
Mali 23
Malta 3,901
Mauritania 42
Mauritius 854
Mexico 1,617
Mongolia 2
Morocco 1,548
Mozambique 377
Nepal 485
Netherlands 15,000
Nicaragua 224
Niger 15
Nigeria 10,744
Norway 2,553
Oman 3,541
Pakistan 2,073
Panama 304
Papua New Guinea 4,276
Paraguay 156
Peru 3,000
Philippines 840
Poland 581
Portugal 5,343
Qatar 1,360
Rhodesia 80,000
Romania 174
Ruanda 206
Saudi Arabia 8,000
Senegal 183
Sierra Leone 1,832
Singapore 6,900
Somali Democratic Republic 131
Soviet Union 343
Spain 21,534
Sri Lanka 3,631
Sudan 541

Swaziland 2,049
Sweden 6,645
Switzerland 16,282
Syria 212
Tanzania 11,950
Thailand 1,204
Togo 79
Tongo 140
Trinidad and Tobago 2,540
Tunisia 495
Turkey 1,725
Uganda 590
United Arab Emirates 3,576
Upper Volta 45
Uruguay 1,343
Venezuela 1,533
West Indies Associated States 968
Yemen (North) 224
Yemen (South) 262
Yugoslavia 194
Zaire 580
Zambia 34,400