HC Deb 29 July 1976 vol 916 cc359-60W
Mr. Dudley Smith

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment whether the inspector who over two years ago conducted the inquiry into the proposed construction of the M40 motorway as far as Warwick has recommended that the project should go ahead; what recommendations he received from his regional road planning officials regarding this decision; and why there is now a delay in making the information public.

Mr. Marks

My right hon. Friend expects to announce his decision next month. The inspector's report, including his recommendations, will be made available when the decision is announced. It has never been the practice under this, or any other Administration to publish the advice given to Ministers by their officials. In view of the complex issues involved, there has been no undue delay in reaching a decision on this major motorway scheme.

Mr. Ronald Bell

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what were the results of measuring traffic noise on the relevant stretch of motorway M40 before and after the construction of noise barriers along the north side of the motorway by Dukes Wood and along the south side of Hedgerley Green.

Mr. Marks

Further measurements are being taken, and it will be some time before the effect of the barriers can be fully assessed. The noise barrier at Hedgerley Green is not yet complete.