HC Deb 29 July 1976 vol 916 cc412-3W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will make a statement on the progress of schemes to fluoridate water in the area covered by the Macclesfield constituency.

Dr. Owen

This is a matter for the Cheshire Area Health Authority as part of its responsibilities for preventive health. I understand, however, that the authority cannot at present forecast when it might be possible to fluoridate water supplies in the area covered by the Macclesfield constituency.

Mr. Bowden

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will issue instructions to all health authorities to take no further action to promote the addition of fluoride to the public water supply system pending a parliamentary debate and approval by the House.

At out-turn prices (£ millions)
Retired Unemployed Sick Others Total
1966–67 166 30 51 51 298
1967–68 193 62 63 68 386
1968–69 208 75 69 77 429
1969–70 226 74 74 97 471
1970–71 245 88 79 112 524
1971–72 275 147 83 136 641
1972–73 273 182 84 150 689
1973–74 274 159 92 161 686
1974–75 309 190 114 228 841
1975–76 (provisional) 395 330 130 340 1,195

At constant (1975–76) prices (£ millions)
Retired Unemployed Sick Others Total
1966–67 383 69 118 118 688
1967–68 436 140 142 153 871
1968–69 445 161 148 165 919
1969–70 460 151 151 197 959
1970–71 465 167 150 212 994
1971–72 478 255 144 236 1,113
1972–73 443 295 136 244 1,118
1973–74 402 234 135 236 1,007
1974–75 385 236 142 284 1,047
1975–76 (provisional) 395 330 130 340 1,195