HL Deb 27 July 1976 vol 373 c1338WA

VAT(1) £ per week Customs and Excise Duties(2)
Households of two adults and two children(3)
with original income £l, 194–£3, 748(4) 1.75 3.35
with original income £2,561–£3,749(4) 2.45 3.70
Pensioner Households(5)
1 adult 0.30 0.50
2 adults 0.70 1.55


  1. (1) Includes car tax.
  2. (2) Includes miscellaneous licence duties which cannot be separately quantified.
  3. (3) Children are defined as those under 16 years of age.
  4. (4) The original income of the household corresponds to the total combined income of members of the household from employment, self-employment and investment, including occupational pensions.
  5. (5) Pensioner households are so defined if at least three-quarters of their income is derived from national insurance retirement and similar pensions and/or supplementary benefits. It is not possible to distinguish pensioner married couples from other pensioner households with two adults.

House adjourned at half-past ten o'clock.