HC Deb 14 July 1976 vol 915 cc173-5W
Mr. Ovenden

asked the Secretary of State for Defence how many registered disabled workers retired, resigned or were dismissed from each of the four

their current authorized strength of prison officers:

Royal naval dockyards during the last 12-month period for which figures are available; and how many registered disabled workers commenced employment in each case.

Mr. Duffy

During the 12-month period 1st April 1975 to 31st March 1976 the number of employees in the four Royal dockyards known to be registered disabled persons who retired or resigned and the number who commenced employment is as follows:

Retired/Resigned Commenced Employment
Portsmouth 22 3
Devonport 11 3
Chatham 12 Nil
Rosyth Nil Nil

Mr. Ovenden

asked the Secretary of State for Defence how many employees were employed on light duties at each of the four Royal naval dockyards on the latest date for which figures are available; how many of these were registered disabled workers; how many were previously registered; and how many were judged as a result of medical examination to be likely to qualify for registration.

Mr. Duffy

In the four home dockyards the number of employees employed on light or restricted duties as at 7th July 1976 was as follows:

(1) (2)
Numbers employed on light or restricted duties Numbers in Column (1) declared to be registered disabled
Portsmouth 711 55
Devonport 1,008 53
Chatham 515 30
Rosyth 371 18
2,605 156

The numbers of those currently employed on light or restricted duties who were previously registered disabled persons are not readily available and would take a disproportionate amount of effort to obtain.

Although a proportion of those employed on light or restricted duties may have been judged as a result of medical examination to be likely to qualify for registration as disabled persons, this information is not recorded.

I regret that further investigation has brought to light discrepancies in the figures which I gave on 18th May—[Vol 911, c. 498.]—These arose from differing methods of recording information in the various dockyards. The correct figures are as follows:

Numbers on light or restricted duties Percentage of total numbers in General Manager's Department Per cent.
Portsmouth 768 9.4
Devonport 1,137 9.4
Chatham 569 9.2
Rosyth 420 7.1
2,894 9.0*
* Average.

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