HC Deb 12 January 1976 vol 903 cc60-1W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the average cost per patient in all the hospitals in the area covered by the Macclesfield District of the Cheshire Area Health Authority; and how these figures compare with other hospitals in the area and in the region.

Dr. Owen,

pursuant to his reply of 19th December 1975 [Official Report, Vol. 902, c. 845], gave the following information:

give the exact date when those in different age sub-groups will be able to claim the new mobility allowance.

Mr. Alfred Morris

We have now made a further commencement order extending the allowance with effect from 1st April, 1976, to people in the age group 26–50. Claims from people in this age group have been accepted by my Department since 1st January, 1976. I am afraid it is not yet possible to give the dates when people in the remaining age groups will be able to apply. The speed with which we can bring in these groups will depend largely on the numbers claiming in the age groups 15–25 and 26–50, which we cannot forecast with any accuracy.