HC Deb 25 February 1976 vol 906 cc265-6W
Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if she will make a statement about the employment and availability of orthodontists within the NHS.

Dr. Owen

Routine orthodontic treatment within the NHS may be provided by general dental practitioners and community dentists as part of normal treatment but many cases are referred to dentists specialising in orthodontic work and who may be additionally qualified in orthodontics. More complex cases are referred by general dental practitioners and community dentists to hospital consultants for advice or treatment.

In England there are about 120 general dental practitioners specialising in orthodontic treatment and, in terms of whole-time equivalents there are 55.5 orthodontists in the community dental services and 78 5 consultant orthodontists, supported by 64 other dentists, in the hospital service.

Advertising Films, Television and Radio Publication and Photography Exhibitions HMSO Total
£ £ £ £ £ £
1973–74 835 44 18 91 165 1,153
1974–75 849 21 23 107 131 1,131
1975–76* 858 82 37 153 112 1,242
* Estimate.

Mr. Nicholas Winterton

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many orthodontists operate within the Macclesfield district of the Cheshire AHA, in private practice and in the NHS, respectively.

Dr. Owen

I understand that within the Macclesfield district of the Cheshire AHA there are four general dental practitioners specialising in orthodontic treatment within the NHS. Each week two orthodontic sessions are also provided in the hospital service and one in the community dental service. I am unable to say what orthodontic treatment is provided outside the NHS.

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