HC Deb 25 February 1976 vol 906 cc231-2W
1. Mr. Ridley

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what was the average cost per unit, of housing completed in 1975, by councils and housing associations together; and what was the average weekly rent fixed for them per unit.

Mr. Armstrong

The average cost is estimated at about £12,000. I have no separate information about the rents fixed for dwellings completed in any one particular year.

21. Mr. Orbach

asked the Secretary of State for the Environment what were the public sector house building commencements and completions for the area covered by the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport and its predecessors for 1975 and the previous 10 years.

Mr. Armstrong

In 1975, 521 public sector starts and 473 completions were reported in Stockport. The comparable figures for 1974 were 264 starts and 465 completions. The figures for the previous eight years are as follows:

Mr. Joel Barnett

, pursuant to his reply [Official Report, 23rd February 1976; Vol. 906, c. 85] gave the following information:

The figures shown exclude policy changes announced before 17th April, but include all programme changes other than announced policy changes which were made between the White Paper of January 1975—Cmnd. 5879—and the recent White Paper—Cmnd. 6393: these cannot be dated precisely. The categories are the same as those used in the Written Answers of 17th April 1975 [Vol. 889, c. 144] and 18th February 1976 [Vol. 905, c. 756.]

Public sector dwellings:
started completed
1965 921 545
1966 439 1,185
1967 359 638
1968 826 400
1969 572 588
1970 271 952
1971 682 398
1972 826 414
1973 224 478