HC Deb 24 February 1976 vol 906 c173W
48. Mr. Ronald Bell

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services whether her Department is still paying unemployment benefit under the National Insurance Acts to workers in the car industry who have entered into four-day work-sharing agreements even where Saturday is not a normal working day in the employment.

Mr. O'Malley

There has been no change in the conditions for entitlement to unemployment benefit since my reply to the hon. and learned Member's earlier Question on 30th July 1975.—[Vol. 896, c.550–1.]—An employee who in the normal course works a five-day week but who is put on short-time working of four days a week, whether under a work-sharing agreement or not may be entitled to one day's unemployment benefit in each week in respect of the day on which he is laid off, if that day falls within a period of six consecutive days, excluding Sundays, in which there is at least one other day of unemployment or sickness. Where a person's employment has not been terminated, a day on which the claimant does not normally work, for example a Saturday, does not count as a day of unemployment unless he is unemployed for a full week.

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