HC Deb 23 February 1976 vol 906 c110W
Sir Anthony Royle

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what contribution in 1976 his Department made in both man-hours and money towards the BBC External Services; how much revenue is contributed from other Government sources; and if he is satisfied that 735 hours of broadcasting time to overseas countries is adequate return for the public expenditure incurred.

Mr. Ennals

It is expected that in 1976–77 about 370 FCO staff will be engaged in operating transmitters carrying External Services' broadcasts. The estimated total cost to my Department, for which provision will be sought in the 1976–77 Supply Estimates, is approximately £4 million.

A Home Office Vote bears the main grant in aid, which is, however, coordinated by my Department within the Overseas Information Programme. My Department contributes with the Ministry of Defence towards the cost of the BBC Monitoring Service and provision will be sought in the 1976–77 Supply Estimates for a contribution from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of £660,000.

The number of broadcasting hours per week in all BBC External Services will fall to slightly under 700 after 1st April this year. I am satisfied that the return on expendture will be adequate.

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