HC Deb 20 February 1976 vol 905 cc881-2W
Mr. Peter Mills

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he

1973–74 1974–75 1975–76 Forecast 1976–77 Estimated*
£ £ £ £
74,325 78,950 99,200 166,450

These costs are broken down under the following headings:

1975–76 1976–77*
1973–74 1974–75 Forecast Estimated
£ £ £ £
Cost of services provided by COI—
Exhibitions 300 7,000 10,200
Films and Television 22,800 17,900 20,000 47,100
Photographs 100
Publications 22,200
Cost of services provided by HMSO—
General publicity 6,000 8,400 10,300 12,200

can produce for publication EEC information and legislation in a more easily understood language for the farming community.

Mr. Peart

Given the problems needing to be dealt with, Community agricultural legislation is often unavoidably complicated. There is, however, widespread recognition among member States and the Commission of the need to consolidate and simplify the legislation as far as possible, and we shall be giving every support to the efforts currently being made in this direction. The Agricultural Departments, the Intervention Board for Agricultural Produce and the Commission have issued a number of publications giving information and guidance both on the market regulations and on the various structural measures financed through the Community. We are currently looking at some of the material we provide on the latter, and we are always willing to give as much advice and help as we can on particular points troubling individuals.