HC Deb 02 February 1976 vol 904 cc438-9W
Mr. Trotter

asked the Secretary of State for Industry whether he will make the continued provision of Government aid to Chrysler dependent on the cessation of unofficial strikes.

Mr. Kaufman

Under clause 5(2)(vii) of the Agreement signed on 5th January the Secretary of State is not obliged to make to Chrysler United Kingdom (CUK) any advance in respect of the guaranteed loan or the secured loan, unless CUK shall, if so required by the Secretary of State, have certified prior to such advance that in its opinion the progress being made towards the objectives of the Stoke Linwood and Truck Plan and the C6 Programme is sufficient to warrant the continuation of the capital expenditure envisaged by those plans; and in giving such a certificate CUK shall have regard particularly to the question of whether satisfactory agreements between the CUK Group and representatives of its work force have been concluded, or whether there is a reasonable prospect that such agreements will be concluded within a reasonable time concerning numbers to be employed, productivity and related matters, and whether any such agreements which have been concluded are being satisfactorily implemented.