§ Mr. David Huntasked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will specify the nature and purpose of the 20 surveys and statistical returns referred in 1976 to mid-November by his Department to the Survey Control Unit of the Central Statistical Office.
§ Mr. MoyleThe information requested is as follows:
- 1. Non-accidental injury to children: a questionnaire survey undertaken by the Department of local authority Directors of Social Services to investigate progress towards the establishment of area review committees to examine instances of non-accidetnal injury to children.
- 2. Hodgkin's disease: an interview survey, by the Department in conjunction with an independent research organisation, of close relatives of patients with Hodgkin's disease undertaken as part of a research project to evaluate the Medical Oncology Unit at St. Bartholemew's Hospital.
- 3. Hygiene and eating aids: a survey by an independent research organisation designed to evaluate the use and availability of hygiene and eating aids for disabled people undertaken with a view to issuing guidance and advice.
- 4. Hygiene and eating aids pilot survey (see 3 above).
- 5. Stairlifts for the disabled: a questionnaire survey by the Department of a sample of local authority Social Services Departments to investigate the provision and use of stairlifts for the disabled.
- 6. Regional planning for children awaiting adoption and fostering services: a survey commissioned by the Department of five local authority social services departments and eight voluntary societies in the East Midlands designed to examine the present structure, policies, and practice in adoption and foster care services with a view to planning on a regional basis.
- 7. Care of the elderly: a survey in Avon, commissioned by the Department, of community volunteer help for single persons and couples aged 75 or more living alone to determine whether the systematic use of voluntary help led to a measurable effect in terms of social well-being.
- 8. Research on severe closed head injury: a study commissioned by the Department, of 250 patients with head injuries severe enough to cause unconsciousness of a week or more, designed to provide information on long-term prognosis.
- 9. Survey of doctors choice of speciality: a survey of attitudes and factors underlying the choice of career and specialty within the medical profession commissioned by the Department to assist in manpower planning.
- 10. Organisational influences on social workers and their clients: a survey, commissioned by the Department, of families in Sheffield to investigate factors affecting them and the delivery of social work care in order to improve the deployment of social workers.
- 11. National childhood encephalopathy study: a study commissioned by the Department to examine the immunisation histories of children with encephalitis and similar illnesses (and a control group) in order to assess the risks of serious neurological disorders that may arise following immunisation of infants.
822- 12. Patients and their doctors, 1977: a survey commissioned by the Department of patients and general practitioners to ascertain changes in general practice and the doctor—patient relationship between 1964 and 1977.
- 13. Allocations of resources to the elderly, practical alternatives to permanent residential care: a survey commissioned by the Department to investigate factors which can influence or prevent permanent admission of the elderly to residential care.
- 14. Material welfare of longer-stay hospital patients: small scale exploratory research undertaken by the Department as part of its general continuing interest in the material welfare of longer-stay hospital in-patients and those in residential care.
- 15. Earning capacity of invalidity pensioners: a survey by the Department to examine the effects of the earnings rule on invalidity pensioners and to investigate the availability and conditions of such employment.
- 16. Therapeutic work and other activities by invalidity pensioners in hospitals, day centres and elsewhere: a survey of invalidity pensioners commissioned by the Department to investigate the incidence of and opportunities for such activities and the circumstances in which they take place.
- 17. Therapeutic work and other activities by invalidity pensioners in hospitals, day centres and elsewhere: a survey of local authorities, hospitals and voluntary organisations to complement survey 16 above.
- 18. Visual handicap: a survey of some aspects of visual handicap undertaken in 1969 for which a report was published in 1976.
Two of the 20 surveys in 1976 mentioned in my repy of 22nd November—[Vol. 919, c. 989–901]—were administrative returns mistakenly notified to the Survey Control Unit. Some of the 18 surveys mentioned above were undertaken in earlier years and again reported to the Survey Control Unit for information when the reports were published in 1976.
§ Mr. David Huntasked the Secretary of State for Social Services what is the number of surveys and statistical returns sponsored in whole or in part by his Department which are being carried out at the present time, specifying their nature and purpose.
§ Mr. MoyleMy Department collects information from local authorities by means of 23 activity and 20 staff annual statistical returns. Their purpose is to help to ensure that authorities are exercising their social services functions under my guidance. These returns include information on the numbers and circumstances of the people provided with services and the staff employed.
823WThe precise number of statistical surveys being carried out at the present time which my Department has sponsored is not readily available. However, data collection is currently being undertaken in the following surveys sponsored in whole or in part by my Department:
Undertaken by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys
- 1. General Household Survey: multi-purpose continuous survey commissioned by Cabinet Office on behalf of Government Departments.
- 2. Family Expenditure survey: continuous survey commissioned by Employment but used extensively by my Department.
- 3. Retirement survey: to examine changing patterns of work and retirement and the factors which influence people to retire or continue at work.
- 4. Surgical Footwear: to examine whether there are problems in the supply and fit.
Undertaken by the Department or other organisations:
- 1. Hygiene and eating aids: a survey by an independent research organisation designed to evaluate the use and availability of hygiene and eating aids for disabled people undertaken with a view to issuing guidance and advice.
- 2. Care of the elderly: a survey in Avon, commissioned by the Department, of community volunteer help for single persons and couples aged 75 or more living alone to determine whether the systematic use of voluntary help led to a measurable effect in terms of social well-being.
- 3. Survey of doctors' choice of speciality: a survey of attitudes and factors underlying the choice of career and specialty within the medical profession commissioned by the Department to assist in manpower planning.
- 4. Organisational influences on social workers and their clients: a survey, commissioned by the Department, of families in Sheffield to investigate factors affecting them and the delivery of social work care in order to improve the deployment of social workers.
- 5. National childhood encephalopathy study: a study commissioned by the Department to examine the immunisation histories of children with encephalitis and similar illnesses (and a control group) in order to assess the risks of serious neurological disorders that may arise following immunisation of infants.
- 6. Patients and their doctors, 1977: a survey commissioned by the Department of patients and general practitioners to ascertain changes in general practice and the doctor-patient relationship between 1964–77.
- 7. Allocation of resources to the elderly, practical alternatives to permanent residential care: a survey commissioned by the Department to investigate factors which can influence or prevent permanent admission of the elderly to residential care.
824- 8. Relationship between the supplementary benefit organisation and local authority social services departments: a study commissioned by the Department to examine functions, policies, and practices of social services departments and of the supplementary benefits organisation at regional and local level.
- 9. Placement of young offenders in care: a survey by the Department of local authority social services departments to investigate their experiences in placing young offenders following the 1969 Children and Young Persons Act and the problems that may arise.
Returns or surveys involving the collection of information from within the National Health Service and from local social security offices are excluded.