HC Deb 02 August 1976 vol 916 cc517-9W
Mr. Mike Thomas

asked the Minister for the Civil Service if he will list in theOfficial Report the names of all the political advisers currently employed and the Ministers they work for.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

There are 24 special advisers to Ministers currently employed by the Government. They work for the Ministers who appointed them in the following Departments:

  • No. 10 Downing Street
    • Dr. B. Donoughue
    • Mr. T. McNally
    • Mr. J. C. Corr
    • Mr. D. F. Piachaud*
    • Mr. G. Davies
    • Mrs. E. Hartley-Brewer
  • Cabinet Office
    • Mr. G. R. Richardson*
  • Department of Education and Science
    • Mrs. S. Greenall
  • Department of Energy
    • Dr. F. Cripps*
    • Mrs. F. Morrell
  • Department of the Environment
    • Mrs. A. Carlton
    • Mr. J. W. Straw
  • Foreign and Commonwealth Office
    • Mr. D. Lipsey
    • Mr. D. Grennan
  • Department of Health and Social Security
    • Professor B. Abel-Smith*
    • Mr. A. Lynes*
    • Mr. M. Hartley-Brewer
    • Mr. G. Alltimes
  • Home Office
    • Mr. A. P. Lester*
  • Northern Ireland Office
    • Mr. R Darlington
  • Department of Prices and Consumer Protection
    • Mr. J. Lyttle
    • Dr. J. E. Mitchell*
  • Welsh Office
    • Mr. G. Prys Davies*
  • Privy Council Office
    • Mrs. E. Thomas

(* Denotes a part-time appointment.)

Mr. Gow

asked the Minister for the Civil Service whether he will publish in theOfficial Report any changes which there have been in the numbers and appointments of special advisers as compared with the list sent to the hon. Member for Eastbourne by the Prime Minister with his letter of 21st June 1976.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

There has been no change in the conditions of service of special advisers. I have today listed in reply to another Question from my hon. Friend the Member for Newcastle upon Tyne, East (Mr. Thomas) the 24 special advisers currently employed by the Government.

Mr. Gow

asked the Minister for the Civil Service whether the Prime Minister's approval is required for the salary paid to, as well as the appointment of, special advisers.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

The Prime Minister is ultimately responsible for the appointments of, and salaries paid to special advisers.

Mr. Gow

asked the Minister for the Civil Service what are currently the ages and qualifications of each of the special advisers to Ministers.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

The ages of the 24 special advisers are as followsNo. 10 Downing Street, Dr. B. Donoughue, 42; Mr. T. McNally, 33; Mr. J. C. Corr, 28; Mr. G. Davies, 25; Mr. D. Piachaud, 30*; Mrs. E. Hartley-Brewer, 27. Cabinet Office, Mr. G. R. Richardson, 35*; Department of Education and Science, Mrs. S. Greenall, 49. Department of Energy, Mrs. F. Morrell, 37; Dr. F. Cripps, 33*. Department of the Environment, Mr. J. W. Straw, 29; Mrs. A. Carlton, 33. Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Mr. D. Lipsey 28; Mr. D. J. Grennan, 49. Department of Health and Social Security, Professor B. Abel-Smith, 49*; Mr. A. Lynes, 46*; Mr. G. Alltimes, 28; Mr. M. Hartley-Brewer, 32. Home Office, Mr. A. Lester, 40*. Northern Ireland Office, Mr. R. Darlington, 28. Department of Prices and Consumer Protection, Mr. J. Lyttle, 43; Dr. J. Mitchell, 56*., Privy Council Office, Mrs. E. Thomas, 56. Welsh Office, Mr. G. Prys Davies, 52.

(* Denotes a part-time appointment.)

The qualifications of special advisers are matters for the particular Ministers concerned.

Mr. Gow

asked the Minister for the Civil Service how many of the special advisers now receive salaries in excess of £7,500 a year, excluding Professor Lord Kaldor.

Mr. Charles R. Morris


Mr. Gow

asked the Minister for the Civil Service whether he will reconsider the decision of the previous Prime Minister not to disclose, with the exception of Professor Lord Kaldor, the salaries of special advisers.

Mr. Charles R. Morris

There are no plans to do so.

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