HC Deb 02 August 1976 vol 916 cc524-9W
Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will list the research awards that have been made annually by the Medical Research Council for each of the last two years in the field of deafness, together with the title of the project, the name of the applicant, the place of work and the value of the award.

Mr. Mulley

Details of research awards made during the past two years are given below.

Title of project Name of investigator and place of work Date awarded Tenure Annual recurrent cost Equipment
£ £
Ability of human subjects to use speech-correlated visual displays as an aid to lip reading. Dr. W. A. Ainsworth, University of Keele July 1974 1.10.74–30.9.77 350 1,257
Connected speech tests for partially hearing children Dr R. J. Bench, Audiology Unit, Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading. July 1975 1.10.75–30.9.78 10,403 2,807
The development of a method of evaluating hearing protectors. Dr. R. R. A. Coles, Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, Southampton. June 1975 9.2.76–8.2.79 8,088 6,401
Cytological reactions of the inner ear to the implantation of electrodes to prolonged sound and to other hazards. Mr. E. E. Douek, Guy's Hospital Medical School. July 1974 1.10.74–30.9.77 4,703
(i) New diagnostic methods and aids to speech discrimination for patients with partial cochlear deafness. Dr. E. F. Evans, University of Keele November 1974 1.1.75–31.12.77 4,643 2,089
(ii) Correlated study of the physiological and anatomical sequelae of cochlear pathology. June 1976 4.10.76–30.10.79 4,334 14,225
(iii) An investigation of how the peripheral auditory system can code signals over a wide range of intensity. June 1976 4.10.76–3.10.79 4,482 14,669
(i) Computer technique for speech training of deaf and other persons. Dr. F. Fallside, University of Cambridge July 1974 1.3.75–28.2.78 597 23,611
(ii) Improvement of speech and its psychological correlates in deaf persons and development of microprocessor based aid. July 1976 1.6.76–31.5/79 18,188 16,279
Hearing loss in schoolchildren with particular reference to pop music. Mr. R. W. Fearn, Leeds Polytechnic August 1974 1.10.74–30.9.76 1,460
Development of language through the medium of manual signs in profoundly deaf children. Dr. Gillian Fenn, University of Cambridge November 1975 1.1.76–31.12.78 9,087 2,234
Perception and production of speech patterns by normals and the hearing impaired. Dr. A. J. Fourcin, University College, London July 1975 1.10.75–30.9.80 16,229 44,730
H-F Carrier clipping hearing aid Professor R. L. Gregory, University of Bristol January 1976 15.1.76–14.1.77 5,043 2,810
Comparative and experimental otology in mammals Professor D. F. N. Harrison, Institute of Laryngology and Otology, London. September 1974 1.10.74–30.11.76 6,457

Title of project Name of investigator and plcae of work Date awarded Tenure Annual recurrent cost Equipment
£ £
Mechanisms underlying binaural auditory signal processing. Dr. G. B. Henning, University of Oxford July 1975 15.9.75–14.9.78 5,300 4,287
Intellectual development of the deaf Professor C. I. Howarth, University of Nottingham. November 1975 1.10.76–30.9.81 25,114 12,961
Mechanisms subserving detection of modulated tones by man: neuro-physiological correlates: diagnostic possibilities. Dr. R. H. Kay, University of Oxford June 1975 21,443
Development and extension of adaptive audio visual test techniques in audiology under small computer control. Mr. M. C. Martin, Royal National Institute for the Deaf. July 1976 3 years from a date to be arranged. 7,098 10,809
Development of communication skills in deaf children from 12 to 36 months. Professor J. Newson, University of Nottingham November 1975 3 years from a date to be arranged. 9,265 1,996
An intracellular electrophysiological study of the mammalian cochlea. Dr. I. J. Russell June 1976 1.10.76–30.9.79 9,351 13,526
Development of an objective evoked response audio-metric method. Professor B. M. Sayers, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London. November 1975 1.12.75–30.11.78 1,907
An investigation of phonetic discrimination difficulties in sensorineural hearing loss. Dr. P. W. Stevenson, University of Essex December 1974 1.1.75–30.9.76 6,507 1,070
An analysis and assessment of the technique known as lipspeaking as used with hearing impaired adults. R. B. Stewart, University of Mancheste December 1974 1.4.75–30.9.77 2,148 3,187
Social and psychological implications of acquired deafness for adults of employment age. Mr. A. J. Thomas and Mrs. K. R. Gilhome, Polytechnic of North London. November 1975 1.10.75–30.9.77 10,963 459
Auditory memory processes in speech comprehension Dr. N. C. Waugh, University of Oxford November 1974 1.1.75–31.12.77 5,113 850


1. A number of grants still current were awarded before 1974 and some of these were supplemented in 1974–76.

2. A substantial amount of work on deafness is carried out in the Council's own research establishments.

Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will give the totals awarded by the Medical Research Council for research into the field of deafness for each of the last 10 years.

Mr. Mulley

I regret that this information could not be provided without a disproportionate expenditure of time and effort.

Mr. Ashley

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will give the number of applicants for research grants from the Medical Research Council in the field of deafness that have been refused in the past two years, together with the title of the project, the name of the applicant, the place of work, and the value of the grant requested.

Mr. Mulley

Four applications have been refused in the past two years. It is Research Council policy to treat the information asked for in the second part of the Question as a matter of confidence between the applicant and council.