HC Deb 30 April 1976 vol 910 cc205-6W
Mr. Gould

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many operations involving psycho-surgery have taken place in the Wessex region in the last year for which figures are available.

Dr. Owen

Although figures are not collected routinely, the Wessex Regional Health Authority has made inquiries and informs me that four operations which would fall into the psycho-surgical category were carried out in the region in 1975. There has been none to date in 1976. I would also refer my hon. Friend

1973 1974* 1975*
Married Single Married Single Married Single
Resident and non-resident Resident only†
Total Grounds 71,426 82,026 66,941 82,321 43,322 52,423
1 2,807 2,196 2,147 1,897 642 327
2 40,991 76,492 43,901 77,630 29,639 50,301
3 2,579 405 2,107 385 1,888 315
4 1,020 138 853 102 717 97
5 6 1 2 6
6 8 4 5 1 2
2 with 4 890 271 760 165 540 146
3 with others 23,125 2,519 17,166 2,141 9,890 1,235
1. Risk of life of woman.
2. Risk of injury to physical or mental health of woman.
3. Risk of injury to physical or mental health of existing child(ren).
4. Substantial risk of child being born abnormal.
5. In emergency—to save life of woman.
6. In emergency—to prevent grave permanent injury to physical or mental health of woman.
1973 1974* 1975*
Premises Married Single Married Single All marital status (including widowed and divorced)
NHS 28,811 21,329 27,694 22,142 51,616
Approved places‡ 42,615 60,697 39,247 60,179 55,032
‡The numbers of abortions in clinics controlled by charities are available only for women of all marital status, including the widowed and divorced status excluded above. They are as follows:—
Premises 1973 1974* 1975*
NHS 56,109 55,852 Not yet available
Clinics controlled by charities 27,174 32,791
Other approved places 83,866 74,476
1973 1974* 1975*
Married Single Married Single
Resident women with over 4 previous live and still born children‡ 4,104 71 3,413 81 Not yet available
† Women usually resident in England and Wales.
to my reply to my hon. Friend the Member for Wood Green (Mrs. Butler) on 27th April.—[Vol. 910. c. 80.]

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