HC Deb 21 October 1975 vol 898 cc108-10W
Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment how many and what percentage of claims for compensation for unfair dismissal, heard by industrial tribunals, were successful in each of the last 10 periods of six months for which records are available.

Mr. Booth

The table below gives information on the outcomes of complaints of unfair dismissal heard by industrial tribunals between 28th February 1972, when statutory protection against unfair dismissal was introduced, and 30th June 1975.

March-September* 1972 October-December* 1972 All 1972 January-June 1973 July-December 1973 All 1973 January-June 1974 July-December 1974 All 1974 January-June 1975 All 1972-June 1975
No. Per cent. No. Per cent. No. Per cent. No. Per cent. No. Per cent. No. Per cent. No. Per cent. No. Per cent. No. Per cent. No. Per cent. No. Per cent.
Total hearings 943 100.0 840 100.0 1,783 100.0 2,056 100.0 1,902 100.0 3,958 100.0 1,783 100.0 1,599 100.0 3,382 100.0 3,208 100.0 12,381 100.0
Cases rejected 650 63.9 533 63.5 1,183 66.3 1,278 62.2 1,244 65.4 2,522 63.7 1,115 62.5 983 61.9 2,098 62.0 1,974 61.5 7,777 63.1
Recommendations of re-engagement† 13 1.4 14 1.7 27 1.5 46 2.2 45 2.4 91 2.3 30 1.7 29 1.8 59 1.7 72 2.2 249 2.0
Awards of com-pensation 234 24.8 240 28.6 474 26.6 552 26.8 458 24.1 1,010 25.5 498 27.9 474 29.6 972 28.7 945 29.5 3,401 27.6
Redundancy payment awards 49 5.2 47 5.6 96 5.4 177 8.6 151 7.9 328 8.3 154 8.6 117 7.3 272 8.0 191 6.0 887 7.2
Other successful cases ‡ 9 1.0 11 1.3 20 1.1 26 1.3 22 1.2 48 1.2 20 1.1 33 2.1 53 1.6 102 3.2 223 1.8
* Statistics were not kept on a six-monthly basis in 1972.
† Separate figures for recommendations of reinstatement were not kept until the last quarter of 1974. Re-engagement figures, therefore, include three recommendations of reinstatement in that quarter, and 23 in the first six months of 1975.
‡ Findings of unfair dismissal or unfair dismissal with another remedy apart from those listed in the table.
The numbers and percentages of outcomes given for each category of outcome total more than the numbers and percentages given for "Total hearing" due to a small element of double counting where the complainant received more than one remedy.
The figures do not include 31 cases completed in 1973 for which there is no record of the outcome, so that it is not known whether the cases were resolved during conciliation or at a tribunal hearing.