HC Deb 16 October 1975 vol 897 cc768-9W
Mrs. Taylor

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what percentage of the population were members of the Registrar General's classes I, II, III, IV and V, respectively, in 1901 and at each successive 10-year period.

Mr. Meacher

According to the Census of Population the economically active and retired males—excluding those not classified—were distributed as follows:

these families have (a) only one child and (b) are headed by a widow or widower.

Mr. O'Malley

The Finer Committee estimated the number of one-parent families in Great Britain in 1971 as 620,000 mainly on the basis of the 1971 Census of Population. The Census also showed that (a) 53 per cent. of one-parent families had only one dependent child—that is—under 15 or under 19 and in full time education—and (b) 27 per cent. of one-parent families were headed by a widow or widower. The Registrar General is exploring how to make estimates for years in which no Census information is available; if he is satisfied reliable estimates can be prepared these will be published.