HC Deb 04 November 1975 vol 899 cc94-5W
33. Mr. Durant

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what representations she has received that the period allowed for implementation of her circulars to health authorities on the employment of agency nurses does not provide a reasonable period of notice; and if she will make a statement.

Mr. Meacher

The new payment arrangements to which the hon. Member refers were announced in June for implementation on 1st October. I received representations on the need for delay from the hon. Member on behalf of nursing agencies and from a few agency nurses. Authorities, however, were anxious to proceed as planned, and the new arrangements are now in operation throughout the NHS.

41. Miss Fookes

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many agency nurses are employed in NHS hospitals at the latest convenient date; and what steps she is taking to replace them by other staff in view of her declared objective of phasing them out.

Mrs. Castle

4,783 agency nurses and midwives—whole-time equivalents—are provisionally estimated to have been working in the NHS in England at 30th September 1974. I have asked authorities to consider setting up nurse banks where they have not already done so. This and the more flexible part-time arrangements which authorities have developed over recent years should enable most of those who wish to nurse to do so. I am glad to say also that some agency nurses have already transferred to the National Health Service.

Mrs. Bain

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what percentage of the total nursing staff in England and Welsh National Health Service hospitals is represented by nurses hired through nurses' agencies.

Mr. Meacher

1.7 per cent. of all nursing and midwifery staff in England and Wales on 30th September 1974.

Mrs. Bain

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services following the implementation of the Halsbury Committee of Inquiry's recommendation, what are her criterita to justify the employment of nurses hired through nursing agencies.

Mr. Meacher

We have asked health authorities to phase out agency nurses to the point where they are employed only in exceptional circumstances to meet emergency needs, and that is for local decision in the knowledge of the particular circumstances.

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