HC Deb 23 May 1975 vol 892 cc705-6W
Sir Frederic Bennett

asked the Secretary of State for Industry what he mates will be the effect on employment

given in Business Monitor PQ 413 and of wollen and worsted cloth in Business Monitor PQ 414.

(ii) The value of sales of made up clothing was:

details of the value and quantity of their sales are given in Business Monitors PQ 441–445 and PQ 449.1.

prospects in the steel and related industries of the EEC grant to Ebbw Vale.

Mr. Meacher

The EEC loan of £15.5 million to the British Steel Corporation will contribute towards the capital costs of the corporation's new tinplating plant at Ebbw Vale. This development scheme had already been agreed to by the Government and its implementation is not dependent on this loan.

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