HC Deb 09 May 1975 vol 891 cc529-30W
Mr. Rost

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what instructions he has or received a report from his Advisory Conciliation and Arbitartion Service officers who have had meetings with the parties to the dispute involving the blacklisting of vehicles operated by F. B. Atkins & Sons Ltd. of Derby; and whether he proposes to take any initiative to resolve this dispute;

(2) what progress his Department's Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service has made to resolve the dispute involving the blacklisting of vehicles operated by F. B. Atkins & Sons Ltd. of Derby, which have been refused entry to the container base at Perry Barr, Birmingham, on the instructions of the regional secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union.

Mr. Booth

I understand from the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service that the company has agreed to the union's claim for an increase in the basic rate for drivers. There are, however, other points of contention between the parties and the position on blacklisting remains unchanged. The ACAS is seeking to arrange a further meeting between the company and the Transport and General Workers Union.

The ACAS was set up as an independent body with the full support of both sides of industry to provide conciliation in industrial disputes, and my intervention would not be appropriate.

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