HC Deb 20 June 1975 vol 893 cc560-2W
Mr. Andrew F. Bennett

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what action is being taken to enforce the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 in Crown properties and what advice has been given to the Health and Safety Executive to ensure compliance with the Act in Crown properties.

Mr. Harold Walker

I am informed by the Chairman of the Health and Safety Commission that the Health and Safety Executive, using Her Majesty's Factory Inspectorate, inspect all Crown premises and that Her Majesty's Factory Inspectorate enforce the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 therein having regard to the limitations imposed on it by the Health and Safety at Work in respect of the Crown.

Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment with whom the commission is consulting on the exceptions to be recommended under Section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act; and when it is expected that such consultations will be completed.

Mr. Harold Walker

The Health and Safety Commission has completed its consultations, and I am now considering the proposals which it has put to me for the making of regulations under Section 2(3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. I cannot yet say when I will be in a position to lay a draft statutory instrument before the House.

I am informed by the Health and Safety Commission that its consultations were on a very wide basis, but it is impossible to provide a detailed and exhaustive list of those consulted because although there was direct consultation with Government Departments and certain other bodies the maximum use was made of organisations which could act as intermediaries in extending the consultations to their constituent members as well as giving their own views. These intermediaries included such organisations as the Confederation of British Industry, the Trades Union Congress, the Scottish TUC, the Association of British Chambers of Commerce, the Retail Consortium, the Freight Transport Association and organisations representing the interests of local government authorities.

Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment when he intends to issue regulations under Section 3(3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act describing cases in which information must be given by employers to persons other than those whom they employ.

Mr. Harold Walker

This is a matter on which I await the proposals of the Health and Safety Commission. I am informed that the commission has this question under urgent review, but is not yet able to say when it will be ready to consult interested organisations on its proposals.

Mr. Greville Janner

asked the Secretary of State for Employment by whom active consideration is being given to ways of obtaining more comprehensive information about accidents at work; what ways are under consideration; and when it is expected that such consideration will be completed.

Mr. Harold Walker

I am informed by the Chairman of the Health and Safety Commission that the commission is considering proposals for new regulations for the notification of accidents at work to the Health and Safety Executive. The commission's deliberations cannot be completed without consulting both sides of industry. It is hoped to proceed to such consultation in the near future, and to complete it as soon as possible.