HC Deb 13 June 1975 vol 893 c282W
Mr. Kinnock

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what percentage proportion of English secondary schoolchildren aged 14+ are attending comprehensive, secondary modern, grammar and direct grant schools, respectively.

Mr. Mulley

In January 1974, the latest year for which figures are available, the proportions of all 14-plus pupils attending different types of school were as follows:

Percentage attending
Comprehensive 52.1
Modern 20.5
Grammar 12.4
Direct grant schools 3.2
All other types of school* 11.8
* Comprising other maintained, special and independent schools.

Mr. Kinnock

asked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what percentage proportion of English secondary schoolchildren go directly from comprehensive, secondary modern, grammar and direct grant schools, respectively, to full-time further and higher education when they leave school.

Mr. Mulley

The information for leavers from the different types of school in 1973–74 is as follows:

Maintained comprehensive schools 14.3%
Maintained secondary modern schools 11.3%
Maintained grammar schools 45.2%
Direct grant schools 62.0%