HC Deb 08 July 1975 vol 895 cc101-2W
54. Mr. Alexander Fletcher

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what studies her Department is undertaking into the living standards of the lower income families.

Mr. Meacher

The following are the more important studies into the living standards of lower income families which are being undertaken by or for my Department:

1. Field work in three studies, covering the financial and social circumstances of families in receipt of family income supplement has been completed. These projects are:

  1. i Two-parent families receiving FIS.
  2. ii. A follow-up study of the above
  3. iii. One-parent families receiving FIS.

Reports are expected during the forthcoming year.

2. A study of the social and financial circumstances of unemployed men receiving supplementary benefit, a substantial number of whom were supporting families, was carried out in November 1974. The data is at present being analysed, and a report is expected during 1976.

3. Equivalence scales. The study of equivalent income scales, derived from Family Expenditure Survey data, which show the relative income required by families of different types to give similar standards of living.

4. The use of Family Expenditure Survey data to estimate the number of families living at and below the supplementary benefit level.

5. The use of a computer to simulate the interaction of changes in earnings, taxation and entitlement to means tested benefits, using Family Expenditure Survey data, to produce estimates of the numbers of families entitled to means tested benefits and those subject to high marginal rates of tax.

6. A small longitudinal study of FIS recipients to investigate changes in their earnings over several years.

In addition a number of projects are being carried out on behalf of my Department.

7. The National Institute for Economic and Social Research is carrying out research to devise techniques for measuring and comparing standards of living, particularly of poorer families in relation to other groups.

8. A research team at Birkbeck College has been commissioned to study income requirements of different types of households in order to provide a measure of equivalent standards of living.

9. The Institute of Community Studies has recently completed a pilot study designed to provide a means of obtaining adequate representation of low income families in social surveys.