- House Building 410 words
- Land Development 1,184 words
- Building Societies 91 words
- Rents 51 words
- Mobile Homes 229 words
- Offshore Oil 159 words
- School Canteen Staffs 35 words
- Local Councillors (Attendance Allowances) 150 words
- Development Land (Public Ownership) 212 words
- Road and Rail Services (Kent) 212 words
- A2, Gravesham 65 words
- Ports (Access Routes) 100 words
- Taunton-Minehead Railway Line 57 words
- Coal Stocks 102 words
- Local Authorities (Personnel) 39 words
- Highway Code 273 words
- Road Accidents (Lorries) 138 words
- Lorries 99 words
- Housing (Thermal Insulation) 80 words
- Compulsory Purchase Orders 160 words
- Sunday Markets 94 words
- M25 (Chertsey and Wisley) 92 words
- A38 (Willand) 62 words
- Sewage 57 words
- Railways (Reorganisation) 80 words
- Sea Transport (Airship Study) 223 words
- Disabled Persons (Employment) 122 words