HC Deb 23 January 1975 vol 884 cc486-7W
Mr. Kilfedder

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what is the total amount of EEC fund grants which have been paid to Northern Ireland in respect of apprenticeship training, rehabilitation, agriculture and the fishing industry, respectively; and what are the particular schemes to which these funds relate.

Article 5—General
(i) Training in Government training centres for adults, young persons and apprentices 4,272,052
(ii) Training on employer's premises 884,677
(iii) Attachment to industry 101,783
(iv) Counter-redundancy 890,974
(v) Capitation grants 46,507
(vi) Other training schemes 9,192
(vii) Rehabilitation of the handicapped 66,751
(viii) Mobility schemes 119,829
Article 4—Workers in the Textile Industry 6,391,765
(i) Training in Government training centres 88,434
(ii) Training on employer's premises 178,526
(iii) Counter-redundancy 173,534
Total expenditure 6,832,259

Details of commitments to Northern Ireland under the European farm fund were given in reply to a question by the hon. Member for Blackpool, South (Mr. Blaker) on Monday 25th November 1974—[Vol. 882, c. 67.]. Since then the European Commission has announced that for Northern Ireland a fish processing and cold store plant and 14 fishing vessels will be aided by the guidance section of the fund to the extent of £636,833 under the 1974 programme. This sum is a first allocation; a second allocation under the 1974 programme will be announced at a later date by the Commission.

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