HC Deb 17 February 1975 vol 886 c279W
Mr. Carson

asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland what approaches have been received with a view to taking over the factory of McKee and James Ltd., Bangor, Co. Down.

Mr. Orme

Following McKee and James' announcement last September that they were to close their factory at Bangor within a month, the Government negotiated with the company to try to secure a postponement of closure, in order to gain time in which to arrange for other firms to take over the factory and provide continuing employment. Regretably, however, it was not possible to reach agreement with the company.

Officials of the Northern Ireland Department of Commerce subsequently held discussions with several parties who expressed interest in taking over the workforce and facilities, and the Northern Ireland Finance Corporation explored with representatives of the workforce the possibility of establishing at the factory an operation under co-operative ownership. None of these attempts to find a successor to McKee and James bore fruit.

McKee and James have nearly completed the run down of their operations. It is understood that the last of the workforce are likely to be paid off by the end of this month. The factory belongs to the Department of Commerce, and when finally vacated by the company it will be refurbished and become available for leasing under the scheme of selective assistance for industrial development operated by the Department.