HC Deb 10 February 1975 vol 886 cc30-1W
Mr. John Evans

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many Members of Parliament are at present elected from Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and each of the eight English regions which are served by regional economic planning councils; and how many Members of Parliament there would be for each of those areas if every MP were to represent exactly the same number of electors taking (a) England as the average, and (b) the North-West Region of England as the average.

Dr. Summerskill

The present distribution of the seats is England 516, Scotland 71, Wales 36, Northern Ireland 12.

Economic Planning Region Number of seats at present Number of seats if each had 64,908 electors (the English average for 1974) Number of seats if each had 62,425 electors (the average in the North West Region in 1974)
Northern 37 35 36
Yorkshire and Humberside 55 55 57
North West 76 73 76
West Midlands 56 57 59
East Midlands 39 41 43
East Anglia 17 19 20
South West 45 47 48
South East 191 189 197
Scotland 71 57 59
Wales 36 31 32
Northern Ireland 12 16 17
Totals 635 620 644