HC Deb 10 February 1975 vol 886 cc43-53W
Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if she will publish in the Official Report the administrative costs for the family income supplement scheme for each year since the scheme was introduced.

Mr. Alec Jones

The information is as follows:

1971–72 1972–73 1973–74
£460,000 £640,000 £720,000

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what has been the number eligible for, and the number claiming, the family income supplement for each year since the scheme was introduced; and if she will distinguish between one- and two-parent families.

Mr. Alec Jones

The number of families receiving family income supplement were as follows:

Two-parent families One-parent families
End of 1971 47,000 24,000
End of 1972 48,000 34,000
End of 1973 50,000 45,000
End of 1974* 33,000 39,000
* Provisional figure for November 1974, the latest available.

Estimates of the number of families who are entitled to family income supplement are based on very small samples. It is estimated that in 1972 the number receiving the supplement represented about half the number eligible; the evidence suggests that in 1973 the number receiving the supplement represented more than half of the number eligible. The evidence does not enable us to make separate estimates for one- and two-parent families. No estimates are available at present for 1974 and no estimate can be made for the first few months of the scheme in 1971.

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if she will publish in the Official Report the number of children covered by the family income supplement scheme for each year since the scheme was introduced, distinguishing between the number of children whose parents are claiming, and not claiming, respectively; and if she will further divide this information into one- and two-parent families.

Mr. Alec Jones

Estimates of the numbers of children in families receiving family income supplement are as follows:

Two-parent families One-parent families
End of 1971 139,000 37,000
End of 1972 133,000 50,000
End of 1973 150,000 71,000
End of 1974* 104,000 64,000
* Provisional figures for November 1974, the latest available.

Estimates of the number of families, and the number of children in those families, who are entitled to family income supplement are based on very small samples. It is estimated that in 1972 about half the families entitled to the supplement were receiving the benefit. The evidence suggests that in 1973 more than half the families were receiving the benefit. The evidence does not enable us to separate estimates for one- and two-parent families. No estimates are available at the present for 1974 and no estimate can be made for the first months of the scheme in 1971.

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what amounts have been spent on advertising the family income supplement scheme for each year since the scheme's introduction.

Mr. Alec Jones

The expenditure on advertising family income supplement was:

Type of Family
All Families Two-Parent Families One-Parent Families Headed by a Man One-Parent Families Headed by a Woman
Awards current at
Total Income of Family at Date of Claim October 1973 April 1974 October 1973 April 1974 October 1973 April 1974 October 1973 April 1974
All Ranges of Income 101 76 55 37 1 1 45 39
Under £9.00 2 1 1 1
£9.00–£9.99 1 1
£10.00–£10.99 2 1 1 1
£11.00–£11.99 2 1 1 1
£12.00–£12.99 3 2 1 2 1
£13.00–£13.99 4 2 1 3 2
£14.00–£14.99 5 3 1 4 2
£15.00–£15.99 6 4 2 1 5 3
£16.00–£16.99 7 5 3 1 5 4
£17.00–£17.99 9 5 3 1 5 4
£18.00–£18.99 10 6 5 2 5 5
£19.00–£19.99 10 7 5 2 4 4
£20.00–£20.99 9 8 6 4 3 4
£21.00–£21.99 7 5 5 3 2 2
£22.00–£22.99 6 5 5 4 1 2
£23.00–£23.99 5 5 4 4 1 1
£24.00–£24.99 4 3 3 3 1
£25.00–£25.99 3 3 3 3 1
£26.00–£26.99 2 2 2 2
£27.00–£27.99 2 2 2 2
£28.00–£28.99 1 2 1 1
£29.00–£29.99 1 1 1 1
£30.00 and over 2 3 2 2

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if she will list in the Official Report the awards current at the end of December 1973 and 1974 for the

1971 310,000
1972 325,000
1973 161,000
1974 124,000

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if she will list in the Official Report the awards under the family income supplement scheme analysed by type of family and total income of family for 1973 and 1974, as set out in table 32.36 of Social Trends, 1973.

Mr. Alec Jones

Information relating to October 1973 and April 1974, the latest date for which information is available, is as follows:

family income supplement scheme, as set out in table 32.30 in Social Trends, 1973.

Mr. Alec Jones

Information for December 1974 is not yet available. The following table relates to December 1973:

Amount of family income supplement in payment (£)
All amounts Under 1.00 1.00–1.90 2.00–2.90 3.00–3.90 4.00–4.90 5.00–5.90 6.00 (maximum) Average amount
Thousands £
All types of family:
All families 95 12 25 23 16 10 7 1 2.55
With 1 child 38 4 10 9 7 4 3 N.A. 2.61
With 2 children 23 4 7 6 3 2 2 N.A. 2.35
With 3 children 15 2 4 4 2 1 1 1 2.48
With 4 children 10 2 2 2 2 1 2.45
With 5 children 5 1 1 1 1 2.75
With 6 or more 4 1 1 1 1 3.28
Two-parent families:
All families 50 8 15 13 8 4 2 1 2.31
With 1 child 10 2 3 2 1 1 N.A. 2.19
With 2 children 12 2 4 3 1 1 1 N.A. 2.65
With 3 children 11 2 3 3 2 1 2.24
With 4 children 8 1 2 2 1 1 2.34
With 5 children 5 1 1 1 2.66
With 6 or more 4 1 1 1 1 3.22
One-parent families headed by a man:
All families 1 2.36
With 1 child N.A. 2.33
With 2 children N.A. 2.11
With 3 or more 2.67
One-parent families headed by a woman:
All families 43 4 9 10 9 6 5 2.88
With 1 child 28 3 6 7 6 3 3 N.A. 2.77
With 2 children 10 1 2 2 2 1 1 N.A. 2.76
With 3 or more 6 1 1 1 1 1 3.24

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if she will set out the awards and rejections for the family income supplement scheme for 1973 and

1973 1974
Total 167,966 148,021
Number of awards:
New and repeat 52,645 36,329
Renewal 41,576 36,020
Number of rejections:
New and repeat 57,741 51,180
Reason for rejection:
Residence 14
Not in full-time work 14,162 10,852
Not normally in full-time work 535 1,026
No reckonable children 1,601 1,276
Excess income 31,373 30,854
Failure to provide information 10,056 7,172
Renewal 14,000 22,607
Reason for rejection:
Residence 4 1
Not in full-time work 3,022 3,869
Not normally in full-time work 63 216
No reckonable children 350 454
Excess income 9,263 16,432
Failure to provide information 1,298 1,635
Claims withdrawn 2,004 1,885

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what have been the amounts paid out under the family income supplement scheme for each year since the scheme was introduced; and if she will subdivide this sum between one- and two-parent families for each year since the scheme was introduced.

Mr. Alec Jones

It is estimated that the amounts paid out for each calendar year since the start of the scheme are as follows:

£ millions
Year All Two-parent families One-parent families
1971 2.3 1.3 1.0
1972 9.2 5.1 4.1
1973 12.0 6.0 6.0
1974 12.2 5.4 6.8

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if she will publish in the Official Report the number of staff required to establish and to administer

1974, as listed in table 32.5 in Social Trends, 1973.

Mr. Alec Jones

Following is the information:

the family income supplement scheme for each year since the scheme was introduced.

Mr. Alec Jones

During the initial take-on period in 1971 approximately 200 staff were employed in the family income supplement branch at Blackpool central office augmented by the use of casual staff in local offices. The work is now entirely centralised at Blackpool. The total number of staff employed in subsequent years is approximately as follows:

1972 140
1973 135
1974 130

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if she will list in the Official Report the prescribed income levels for the family income supplement for a one-child, two-child, four-child and six-child family, for each year since the scheme was introduced; and if she will also present this information as a percentage of average earnings.

Mr. Alec Jones

The following are the details:

One Child Two Children Four Children Six Children
Date Income Levels Percentage of Average Earnings Income Levels Percentage of Average Earnings Income Levels Percentage of Average Earnings Income Levels Percentage of Average Earnings
£ £ £ £
August 1971 18.00 59 20.00 65 24.00 78 28.00 91
April 1972 20.00 61 22.00 67 26.00 79 30.00 91
April 1973 21.00 56 23.50 63 28.50 76 32.50 86
October 1973 21.50 53 24.00 59 29.00 71 34.00 83
July 1974 25.00 53 28.00 60 34.00 72 40.00 85
Note: Average earnings are the estimated average earnings of male adult full time manual workers in manufacturing and certain other industries as determined by the Department of Employment's regular October inquiry. Figures for months other than October have been estimated by using the monthly index of average earnings as published in the Department of Employment Gazette.

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what have been the prescribed income levels for the family income supplement for one-child, two-child and four-child families, respectively,

One Child Two Children Four Children
Date Prescribed income level Tax threshold Prescribed income level Tax threshold Prescribed income level Tax threshold
£ £ £ £ £ £
August 1971 18.00 15.33 20.00 18.12 24.00 24.33
April 1972 20.00 18.67 22.00 21.46 26.00 27.67
April 1973 21.00 18.75 23.50 21.44 28.50 27.50
October 1973 21.50 18.75 24.00 21.44 29.00 27.50
July 1974 25.00 21.25 28.00 24.87 34.00 32.77
Note: Tax thresholds relate to two-parent families with children in the following age bands:—
One child: under 11.
Two children: both under 11.
Four children: two under 11, two 11–15.

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many persons are claiming the family income supplement of, respectively: 10p to 99p, £1 to £1.99, £2 to £2.99, £3 to £3.99, £4 to £4.99, £5 to £5.99and £6 to £7; and in each case what is the total number of persons claiming and estimated to be eligible, respectively.

Mr. Alec Jones

The following table relates to the number of families receiving family income supplement split into the various ranges of amounts. It is based on provisional figures for November 1974, the latest date for which information is available. An estimate of the number of families eligible for FIS during 1974 cannot be made until data from the 1974 Family Expenditure Survey is available:

Number receiving
Weekly assessment FIS
Less than £1 5,000
£1.00—£1.99 8,000
£2.00—£2.99 15,000
£3.00—£3.99 16,000
£4.00—£4.99 12,000
£5.00—£5.99 12,000
£6.00—£7.00 4,000

together with the tax thresholds for these families, for each year since the scheme was introduced.

Mr. Alec Jones

The details are as follows:

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if she will publish in the Official Report the average size of payments for family income supplement for each year since the scheme's inception; and if she will also express these payments as percentages of average earnings for each of the years under consideration.

Mr. Alec Jones

The figures are:

Calendar year Average FIS payment As per cent. of average earnings*
1971 £1.73 5.6
1972 £2.05 6.0
1973 £2.47 6.3
1974 (11 months)† £2.93 6.4
* Average earnings are the estimated average earnings of male adult-full-time manual workers in manufacturing and certain other industries as determined by the Department of Employment's regular October inquiry. Figures for months other than October have been estimated by using the monthly index of average earnings as published in the Department of Employment Gazette
† Information for full year not yet available.

Mr. George

asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if she will list in the Official Report the number of appeals to tribunals on disputed decisions on the family income supplement scheme for each year since its inception; and if she will set out the results of the appeals.

1971 1972 1973 1974
Appeals heard 1,495 2,476 1,515 1,636
Decision confirmed 1,465 2,309 1,419 1,547
Decision reversed 30 167 96 89