HL Deb 09 December 1975 vol 366 cc930-1WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

When they expect to be able to announce their decisions about the modernisation or rebuilding of Government offices in Whitehall and whether they expect any new construction to be necessary.

Baroness BIRK

Her Majesty's Government have already announced their intention to preserve the main external façade of both Richmond Terrace and the Old Public Offices. Mr. Anthony Cox and Mr. Michael Powers of Architects Co-Partnership have recently completed a study of various options for accommodating the Foreign and Commonwealth Office efficiently in their traditional home, including the practicability of preserving other fine features of the building. The options which have been drawn up include varying amounts of new construction behind the existing façades. An interim report has also been prepared by Mr. William Whitfield into ways of providing additional office space by rehabilitating Richmond Terrace and how this could be related visually and perhaps physically to any future development or rehabilitation of the buildings fronting Whitehall between Richmond Terrace and Derby Gate. My right honourable friend the Secretary of State for the Environment will shortly be considering reports on both studies. Decisions will have to take account of the general economic situation and I cannot yet say when an announcement will be made.