§ Mr. Steenasked the Secretary of State for the Environment what are the criteria by which his Department makes grants to voluntary organisations.
§ Mr. OakesI would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave to the hon. Member for Wallasey (Mrs. Chalker) on 31st July 1975.—[Vol. 896, c. 563–4.]
§ Mr. Steenasked the Secretary of State for the Environment if he will publish in the Official Report the grants he makes to voluntary organisations.
§ Mr. OakesThe grants which the Department expects to make to voluntary organisations, other than housing associations, in 1975–76 are listed below. The figures are maximum amounts, subject to the conditions of each grant being met.286W
£ British Trust for Conservation Volunteers 20,400 National Trust Acorn Camps 6,000 Community Service Volunteeers 5,200 Civil Trust for the North-West 12,000 Civil Trust for the North-East 7,500 Yorkshire and Humberside Council for the Environment 7,500 Environmental Liaison Officers (National Council for Social Service) 18,000 Tree Council 6,000 Council for Urban Studies Centres 5,000 National Gypsy Council 4,000 Association for Neighbourhood Councils 5,000 Town and Country Planning Assotion (Planning Aid Service) 7,500 Ancient Monuments Society 4,000 Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings 4,000 Victorian Society 4,000 Georgian Group 4,000 Council for British Archaelogy 1,000 Historic Houses Association 3,500 Civic Trust 61,600* Europa Nostra 10,000* Keep Britain Tidy Group 200,000† Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents 241,000 Royal Automobile Club/Auto-Cycle Union Motorcycle Training Scheme 30,000 National Federation of Housing Associations 13,800 * Grants towards administrative expenses associated with European Architectural Heritage Year. † The actual grant paid will depend on the Group's income from non-Government sources, subject to a lower limit of £ 120,000 and an upper limit of £200,000. Voluntary bodies will also be among the recipients of grants for projects for conservation of ancient monuments, for rescue excavations, and (on the advice of the Historic Buildings Council) for work in outstanding conservation areas and to outstanding historic buildings.
In addition, the following bodies funded or grant-aided by the Department, have powers to assist voluntary organisations within the limits of their resources; the Countryside Commission, the Nature Conservancy Council, the Sports Council and the Development Commission.