§ Mr. Peter Morrisonasked the Secretary of State for Education and Science what is the present pupil-teacher ratio in secondary education; and what is the comparative figure for each of the last 10 years.
§ Miss Joan LestorInformation for 1965–74 is given below. The ratio for January 1975 is not yet available but is expected to show an improvement over that for January 1974, which was the first affected by the raising of the school leaving age.
Maintained secondary schools in England and Wales January 1965 18.7 1966 18.4 1967 18.2 1968 18.1 1969 17.9 1970 17.8 1971 17.9 1972 17.6 1973 17.1 1974 17.5 Notes: 1. The ratios for 1965–70 are based on all teaching staff. Those for 1971–74 are based on qualified teachers only.
2. Including, from 1969, middle schools deemed secondary.