HC Deb 04 August 1975 vol 897 c11W
Lord James Douglas-Hamilton

asked the Lord Advocate whether those wishing to become procurator fiscals in Scotland have to apply to a staff commission outside Scotland; and whether the job applications are vetted outside Scotland.

The Lord Advocate

Applicants for posts as procurators fiscal depute have to apply to the Civil Service Commissioners, Alencon Link, Basingstoke, who are responsible for the selection and certification of candidates for all permanent appointments in the Civil Service.

Candidates submit an application form to the commissioners, who examine it to ensure that the basic qualifications are complied with. The candidates are then requested to appear for interview in Edinburgh before a selection board normally of three members, chaired by a Civil Service Commission representative who is usually a retired Scottish civil servant. The other board members are the Crown Agent and a Scottish academic lawyer.

In the same way as for other permanent and pensionable posts in the Civil Service, the successful candidates are required to satisfy the Civil Service Commissioners that they are qualified in respect of age, nationality, health, character and other matters before they can be given a permanent appointment in the procurator fiscal service.