HL Deb 24 April 1975 vol 359 cc1136-48WA

asked Her Majesty's Government:

Whether they will publish the information contained in the letter from Lord Jacques to me which is referred to in my speech in the EEC debate on 21st April in view of its great public interest.


Following is the information:

Project £ million Amount
Frigg gas field 10.4
Peterhead power station 10.4
Oil platform fabrication unit at Stornoway 4.0
Nuclear power station at Hartlepool 15.6
Loan to Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation (for assistance for firms in development areas) 3.5
Loan to Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation (for assistance for firms in development areas) 10.0
Modernisation of Teesside Steel works 14.7
Sintering plant at Port Talbot steelworks 8.0
Construction of new plant at Llanwern steelworks 14.7
New bar mill at Thrybergh steelworks (Rotherham) 12.0
Dartford Tunnel 7.0
Skyvan aircraft (Belfast) 2.5

With one exception all of these loans have now been fully taken up.


1 Loans to the NCB:

Amount Committed £m. Type of loan or grant Description Received at 31st December 1974 £m.
1.667 Article 54 Housing loan Loan for moderisation of 6,000 NCB— houses for miners 0.990
18.00 Article 54 loan NCB—Provision of a nationwide pool of powered roof supports for mines 10.444
1 .506 (a) Article 54 loan Modernisation of Trentham Colliery Staffs 1.506
1.706 (b)
0.733 (a) Article 54 loan Modernisation of Easington Colliery Durham 0.733
0.830 (b)
0.611 (a) Article 54 loan Modernisation of Bettws Colliery, Swansea 0.611
0.691 (b)
0.326 (a) Article 54 loan Modernisation of Royston Colliery, Barnsley 0.326
0.895 (a) Article 54 loan Modernisation of Littleton Colliery, Staffs 0.895
1.014 (b)


Grants allocated to the United Kingdom in respect of 1973 and 1974.

Description Amount (£)
Training and retraining of unemployed persons in assisted areas 29,425,225
Training and retraining unemployed persons in Northern Ireland 7,752,325
Retraining of workers by eight firms in Northern Ireland 87,705
Retraining of textile workers in Northern Ireland 338,000
Retraining of textile workers (Great Britain) 506,000
Retraining of wool textile workers 6,631
Training unemployed men to drive heavy goods vehicles 159,200
Training construction workers 118,975
Retraining workers leaving agriculture 243,000
Training workers in rural areas 83,155
Community Industry scheme 600,000
Training and rehabilitation of disabled persons 7,675,575
Training and rehabilitation of disabled persons in Northern Ireland 205,000
Assistance to immigrants 2,643,300
Pilot schemes approved by the Commission 11,000

Receipts from the European Social Fund in the first two years of membership amounted to £16.1 million.

Amount Committed £m. Type of loan or grant Description Received at 31st December 1974 £m.
2.362 (a) Article 54 loan Modernisation of Horden and Blackhall Collieries, Durham 1.198
1 . 198
3.300 Article 54 loan Modernisation of Markham and Ireland Collieries—North Derbyshire 3.300

2. Loans to the BSC:

Amount Committed £m. Type of loan or grant Description Received at 21st December 1974 £m.
17.95 Article 54 BSC: Scunthorpe, Coke oven expansion scheme 17.95
7.75 Article 54 BSC: Scunthorpe, rodmill expansion scheme 7.75
1.25 Article 54 BSC: Templeborough, anti-pollution project 1.25
14.80 Article 56(2)a BSC: Ravenscraig, expansion scheme 14.80
41.75 41.75

3. Grants for the benefit o NCB workers:

Amount Committed £m. Type of loan or grant Description Received at 31st December 1974 £m.
10.44 Article 56(2b) Readaptation grants for retraining and re-deployment of redundant mineworkers
0.006210 Disaster Aids Grants for families of Markham disaster 0.006210
0.002376 Disaster Aids Grants to dependents of miners killed at Seafield 0.002376
0.003133 Disaster Aids Grants to dependents of miners killed at Lofthouse 0.003133
0.021300 Disaster Aids Grants to victims of Flixborough explosion 0.021300
10.473019 0.033019

4. Readaption grants to United Kingdom steelworks (BSC works only):

Amount Committed £m. Type of loan or grant Description Received at 21st December 1974 £m.
Article 56(2)b Assistance to steel workers previously at:
0.28950 Stanton
0.03075 Brierley Hill (Cookley Rolling Mill)
0.02100 Shotton Cargo Fleet 0.16730
0.03850 (i) Mill and Banks
0.01110 (ii) Rail bank
0.01825 Harlaxton and Woolsthorpe
0.40910(1) 0.16730
0.05000 Article 56(2)b Colsterworth
0.70000 Article 56(2)b Scunthorpe
Article 56(2)b Round Oak
0.05000 Article 56(2)b Arthur Lee & Sons
0.83719 Article 56(2)b Irlam and Workington
2.04629 0.16730

(1) Including a private sector grant of £0.0635m.

5. Research Grants (Coal):

Amount Committed £m. Type of loan of grant Description Received at 31st December 1074 £m.
0.021360 Article 55 (a) NCB related research:
Grant to Edinburgh Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) for auditory research
0.090000 Article 55 Grant to NCB Scientific Department for mine fire control research
0.516872 Article 55 Grants to IOM for project into effects of dust and fumes on respiratory systems 0.155400
0.040800(a) 0.014280(b) Article 55 Grants to Safety in Mines Research Establishment (SMRE) Sheffield for (a) development of explosion suppression system and (b) dust research
0.247531 Article 55 Grant to NCB Mining Research and Developments Est. (MRDE) at Bretby for dust control 0.08635
0.919000 Article 55 Grant to MRDE for research into coal mining techniques 0.398900
1.542900 Article 55 Grant to Coal Research Establishment at Cheltenham into uses and applications of coal 0.601200
0.026000 Article 55 Grants to SMRE for research into chains loading capacity
0.022560(a) 0.050100(b) Article 55 Grants to British Carbonisation Research Association, Chesterfield—research into (a) coke texture and (b) charging of preheated coal 0.018000(a)0.019000(b)
3.491403 1.27885

6 Research Grants (Steel):

Amount Committed £m. Type of loan of grant Description Received at 21st February 1975 £m.
0.025161 Article 55 (b)BSC related research: Ergonomic research
0.933840 Research Grants Technical research projects in some of which BSC participate with other ECSC companies 0.145000
—(10) Research Grants BSC—research on pollution
0.007500 Research Grants BISRA—research into atmospheric corrosion
0.115680 Research Grants Private Sector—Round Oak
0.034980 Research Grants Private Sector—BISPA
1.117161 0.145000


Mrs. KellettBowman

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food if he will specify the grants and loans which have been approved for the north-west area from the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund since 1st January 1973.

Mr. Peart

No loans have been approved. The Guidance section of the Fund is committed to pay £11.9 million in grant towards United Kingdom individual projects under the Community's 1973 Individual Project Scheme and the first allocation under the 1974 scheme. The Commission has not yet decided on the projects to be included in the second allocation. Details and location of United Kingdom projects approved under the 1973 scheme and the first allocation of the 1974 scheme are below.

A geographical breakdown of the FEOGA contribution to grants made for common and special measures under the Guidance section of the Fund is not available. The United Kingdom has so far received about £20,000 as a contribution towards 1973 expenditure on such measures. Claims for 1974 expenditure have not yet been submitted.

EEC Reference Number EEC Description of Project
UK/1/73 Construction of wholesale food market, Birmingham.
UK/8/73 Construction of factory for cheese and milk products, Maelor, Flintshire.
UK/9/73 Expansion of Stilton cheese factory at Hartington, Derbyshire.

EEC Reference Number EEC Description of Project
UK/10/73 Construction and equipping of egg packing stations in Wiltshire, Surrey and Gloucestershire.
UK/11/73 Reorganisation of drainage at Upwell Fen, Cambridgeshire.
UK/12/73 New pumping station, Cambridgeshire.
UK/13/73 Modernisation and extension of pig processing factory at Elmswell, Suffolk.
UK/15/73 Reorganisation of drainage schemes in Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire.
UK/16/73 Construction of new seed handling complex at Rothwell, Lincolnshire.
UK/17/73 Construction of flood prevention embankments, River Lugg near Hereford.
UK/20/73 Conversion of non-refrigerated store into cheese pre-packing unit and cold store, Johnstown, Carmarthen.
UK/21/73 Construction of two pumping stations and drainage improvements, Appleby Carrs and North Kelsey Carrs, Lincolnshire.
UK/22/73 Replacement of obsolete horticultural and fish wholesale market, Bradford.
UK/27/73 Drainage scheme on east bank of River Ouse, Norfolk.
UK/29/73 Flood prevention measures on Sudell Brook, Lancashire.
UK/32/73 Construction of two beef production research units, Leicestershire and Ingleston, Edinburgh.
UK/33/73 Construction of two stern trawlers to be based at Hull, Yorkshire.
UK/37/73 Extension and modernisation of cheese manufacturing capacity and installation of whey processing facilities, Llandyrnog Dairy Denbighshire.
UK/49/73 Construction of seven water pumping stations and associated works at Witham Valley, Lincolnshire.
UK/50/73 Flood prevention measures on River Wharfe, Yorkshire.
UK/52/73 Flood prevention measures on River Ouse, Yorkshire.
UK/53/73 Flood prevention measures, Market Weighton Canal and River Foulness, Yorkshire.
UK/58/73 Flood prevention measures between Selby and Sherburn-in-Elmct, Yorkshire.
UK/59/73 Modernisation and expansion of bacon and pork factory, Norton, Yorkshire.
UK/60/73 Flood prevention measures, Winestead Drain, Yorkshire.
UK/65/73 Extension of laboratory for research into toxicological problems relating to agricultural and processed food products, Carshalton, Surrey.
UK/72/73 Milk standardisation at three dairies in Glamorganshire and Monmouthshire.
UK/75/73 Construction of grain storage and denaturing plant, Gloucester.
UK/82/73 Construction of flume tank for testing model trawls at Hull.
UK/83/73 Extension and improvement of co-operative grass drying plant, Holton-le-Clay, Lincolnshire.
UK/87/73 Intensification of bulk milk collection in England and Wales.
UK/89/73 Extension and modernisation of dairy at Durham.
UK/91/73 Improvement of drainage, water supply and roads on agricultural estate near Harrogate, Yorkshire.
UK/92/73 Intensive drainage and ditching work on agricultural estate in North Riding of Yorkshire.
UK/93/73 Land drainage works in parishes of Scrayingham and Acklam in East Riding of Yorkshire.
UK/94/73 Construction of farm roads and bridge near Ramsey, Huntingdonshire.
UK/96/73 Construction of central grain drying, cleaning and storage centre at Wimblington, Cambridgeshire.
UK/99/73 Land drainage works on an agricultural estate near Skipton, Yorkshire.
UK/104/73 Construction of buildings and plant for liquid milk standardisation. at a dairy near Liverpool.
Total amount of grant: £4,679,966.

EEC Reference Number EEC Description of Project
UK/24/73 Construction of a fishing vessel to be based at Whalsey.
UK/26/73 UK/42-44/73, UK/47/73 and UK/66/73 Construction of eight fishing vessels to be based at Peterhead.
UK/30/73 Construction of a fishing vessel to be based at Fraserburgh.
UK/5/73 Construction of a Cheddar cheese-making factory at Sorbie.
UK/48/73 Construction of a cheese-making and milk products factory at Lockerbie.
UK/2/73 Construction of a processing complex for cheese and allied dairy products at Inverness.

EEC Reference Number EEC Description of Project
UK/54/73 Installation of cheese manufacturing plant and construction of cheese and powder store in a creamery at Stranraer.
UK/3/73 Construction of a vegetable processing factory at Eyemouth.
UK/56/73 Construction of new building and plant for the production of par-fried French potatoes at Bo'ness.
UK/101/73 Construction of a central grain drying, cleaning and storage plant at Coupar Angus.
UK/68/73 Widening and deepening of the River Leet and Lamden Burn water course together with allied field drainage work in Berwickshire.
UK/100/73 Reorganisation and improvement of production conditions on a group of farms at Ayton, Berwickshire.
UK/102/73 Improvement of land, construction of farm roads, planting of shelter belts and various construction works on farms in North Argyll.
Total amount of grant: £1,910,277.
UK/35/73 Construction of cheese and milk replacer factory at Dunmanbridge (Co. Tyrone).
UK/40/73 Construction of a wholesale fruit and vegetable market in Belfast.
UK/64/73 Construction of a poultry processing factory at Craigavon (Co. Armagh).
UK/69/73 Construction of a pig slaughtering and processing factory near Londonderry.
UK/70/73 Construction of a cold store and blast freezer facility at Hillhall (Co. Antrim).
UK/73/73 Construction of a fish processing plant at Belfast.
UK/74/73 Construction of a cold store and blast freezing plant at Belfast.
UK/76/73 Construction of a meat products factory in Belfast.
UK/79/73 Provision of bulk tanks for milk storage and transport in Northern Ireland.
UK/90/73 Construction of a coldstore and blast freezing plant at Craigavon (Co. Armagh).
UK/103.1/73 Construction of broiler processing facilities at Dungannon (Co. Tyrone) and expansion of broiler production and transport facilities over a wide area of Northern Ireland.
Total amount of grant: £1,743,140.
UK/1/74 Construction of a new seafood processing factory, cold store plant and offices at Thorne, Yorkshire.
UK/16/74 and UK/28/74 Construction of three fishing vessels (stern trawlers) to be based at Lowestoft, Suffolk.
UK/18/74, UK/38/74, UK/47/74 Construction of six fishing boats to be based at Grimsby.
UK/29/74 and UK/31/74 Construction of five fishing vessels to be based at North Shields,Northumberland.
UK/30/74 Erection of a meat processing factory at Liverpool.
UK/34/74 Grain storage installation at Bosham, Sussex.
UK/36/74 Provision of new pumping stations at Everton, Nottinghamshire.
UK/39/74 Raising and strengthening of a river embankment near Chester.
UK/41/74 Expansion and modernisation of a pig slaughterhouse and processing factory at Middlesbrough, Teesside.
UK/46/74 Drainage works (carrier drains and pumping scheme) at Oldbury, Gloucestershire.
UK/49/74 Construction of a pumping station for drainage on the River Great Ouse in Norfolk.
UK/67/74 Drainage works (provision of two pumping stations and dredging of dykes) at Fiskerton Fen, Lincolnshire.
UK/108/74 Modernisation and expansion of a pork and beef processing factory at Barnsley, Yorkshire.
UK/129/74 (formerly UK/86/73) Construction of a central grain store with drying and cleaning facilities at Piercebridge, Co. Durham.
Total amount of grant: £2,404,246.
UK/2-5/74 and UK/8-9/74 Construction of six new fishing vessels, complete with gear, to be based at Peterhead, Aberdeenshire.
UK/6/74 and UK/22/74 Construction of two fishing vessels, to be based at Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire.
UK/7/74 and UK/13/74 Construction of two fishing vessels to be based at Whalsay, in the Shetland Islands.
UK/26/74 Construction of a fishing vessel to be based at Buckie, Banffshire.

EEC Reference Number EEC Description of Project
UK/32/74 and UK/40/74 Construction of two fishing vessels to be based at Eyemouth, Berwickshire.
UK/110/74 Extension and alteration of an abattoir and meat-processing plant at Bathgate, West Lothian.
Total amount of grant: £598,674.
UK/54/74 Expansion of a fish processing plant and cold store at Annalong, Co. Down.
UK/63/74 Construction of a fishing boat, complete with gear, to be based at Donaghadee, Co. Down.
UK/64/74 Construction of a fishing vessel, with gear, to be based at Bangor, Co. Down.
UK/66/74, UK/90/74, UK/91/74 Construction of three fishing boats, complete with gear, to be based at Portavogie, Co. Down.
UK/65/74, UK/77– 78/74, Construction of nine fishing vessels, complete with gear, to be based at Kilkcel, Co. Down.
UK / 80 / 74, UK / 82 / 74,
UK/84–85/74 and UK/92–93/74
Total amount of grant: £636, 833.

House adjourned at twenty-five minutes before nine o'clock.