HC Deb 29 November 1974 vol 882 cc268-9W
Mr. Rost

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what percentage savings in energy consumption he expects to achieve this year within his Department and all establishments over which he has responsibility; and what percentage savings he is budgeting for next year.

Mr. Booth

Heating and lighting within the Government estate is the responsibility of the Property Services Agency of the Department of the Environment. The measures to conserve energy so far introduced with which my staff are co-operating are expected to produce a saving of 6 per cent. in 1974–75 and 7 per cent. in 1975–76 over consumption originally forecast.

Mr. Rost

asked the Secretary of State for Employment what action he has taken to assist and advise establishments with which his Department is concerned to conserve energy.

Mr. Booth

The Property Services Agency of the Department of the Environment is responsible for heating and lighting in all Government Departments and my staff are co-operating fully with the agency on measures to economise in their consumption.